sentinel-hub / field-delineation

Field delineation with Sentinel-2 data from Sentinel-Hub and a ResUnet-a architecture.
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Calling Softmax twice? #4

Closed sen-pai closed 3 years ago

sen-pai commented 3 years ago

Hi, thanks for this clean implementation of ResUnetA! In the last layer is the activation function Softmax for all extent, boundary, and distance And logits are returned. But in TanimotoDistanceLoss the default value of from_logits is True, causing y_pred (already logits) to pass through another Softmax. Have I misunderstood something?

Also in the original paper, there were 4 outputs (HSV, extent, boundary, and distance) is there some reason hsv was omitted?

devisperessutti commented 3 years ago

Hi @sen-pai ,

You are correct, there is an issue with the notebook published, as it should be TanimotoDistanceLoss(from_logits=False). Thank you for reporting!

We will be releasing very shortly an updated version of this code where this bug will be fixed. You cna find the ResUnetA architecture in eo-flow as well now.

Re: HSV, we decided to skip it in the first iteration since it was not that clear to us the processing required to get from the B-G-R-NIR bands to the HSV. We also thought the conditioned losses would have a larger impact than the loss on HSV. Feel free to make a MR with the changes/suggestions to add the HSV input.

sen-pai commented 3 years ago

Thanks for the quick reply! @devisperessutti
I have written my own PyTorch implementation and was comparing code to check for bugs in my code.

The paper uses a hybrid version of tanimoto loss (tanimoto with complement) which is = (tanimoto(target, pred) + tanimoto(1-target, 1-pred))/2 Is there some reason this version was not used? Thanks again for this implementation

devisperessutti commented 3 years ago

if I'm not mistaken this should be already taken into account since both y_true and y_pred are in a one-hot encoding format, where the first channel has (1-target) and the second has target, and these are then reduced in the loss.

sen-pai commented 3 years ago

I guess I missed that Thanks for the clarification.