sentinelgrowthdao / dvpn-node-manager

A .deb package that will install a Sentinel dVPN Node
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Installation from Debian Package (manual) NOT generating configuration files #1

Open theVasilis opened 3 weeks ago

theVasilis commented 3 weeks ago

Dear team

I'm using the GitHub guide and this command: sudo wget -O /var/cache/apt/archives/dvpn-node-manager_latest.deb$(dpkg --print-architecture).deb && sudo chmod 644 /var/cache/apt/archives/dvpn-node-manager_latest.deb && sudo chown _apt:root /var/cache/apt/archives/dvpn-node-manager_latest.deb

Then this command to install the package: sudo apt install /var/cache/apt/archives/dvpn-node-manager_latest.deb

The CLI starts and takes me to the second screen (after Docker have been successfully installed) where it asks to "Reboot Now" or "Quit and Reboot Later".

I tried both "Reboot Now" and "Quit and Reboot Later" options and every time I try to continue with the installation the CLI screen takes me to the same request to "Reboot Now" or "Quit and Reboot Later"

Also, running the command dvpn-node-manager help returns this critical info: [INFO] Configuration files do not exist. [INFO] Please wait while the dVPN node container is being started... [ERROR] Invalid Node Type

(screenshot attached) Screenshot 2024-07-05 23 27 58

Checking under Docker folder, there is no configuration file created by Sentinel dVPN Node.

I tried to sudo apt autoremove the package and re-installed it again. Same results.

Is there a specific port that I need to whitelist on the firewall for the script to run?

Thank you very much.

Loggsie commented 2 weeks ago

I encountered the same issue when running under root and leaving out sudo.

Ensure to run after rebooting

sudo dvpn-node-manager

The usual configuration screen is displayed, though I did have to reboot twice to see this.

theVasilis commented 2 weeks ago

Thank you @Loggsie

Following your recommendation.

Ensure to run after rebooting

sudo dvpn-node-manager

First I get this CLI screen.

Screenshot 2024-07-08 22 06 17

And then I'm taken here.

Screenshot 2024-07-08 22 06 26

I still believe that during the installation the script was not able to pull any libraries or other necessary resources due to my firewall blocking all undeclared ports.

Looking forward to your advice.

FoxinouFR commented 2 weeks ago

Hi there! While waiting for me to find a debian 12 to test, I just made a change to allow the script to run with debian. Can you download (or copy-paste) the script #f5a86cb on your server and run it manually?

cd ~
wget -O
sudo bash

This will solve the "Unsupported OS" problem.

theVasilis commented 2 weeks ago

Thank you very much @Loggsie

"Unsupported OS" problem has indeed been solved and here is the next error:

Screenshot 2024-07-09 21 24 49

Screenshot 2024-07-09 21 24 59

Looking forward to your thoughts.

Loggsie commented 2 weeks ago

Did you sudo apt remove dvpn-node-manager prior to deploying the updated script?

The error looks like a Docker container conflict.

theVasilis commented 1 week ago

Ok now I have a different error.

I did sudo apt remove dvpn-node-manager and then sudo apt autoremove to make sure the dependencies are reset.

Then run the latest file installation and indeed the script downloaded a lot of libraries and files.

After that the CLI screen asked me to "Reboot" or "Continue Without Rebooting". I rebooted the system and running the same file again leads me to here:

Screenshot 2024-07-13 20 47 32

However, now I have a different warning message where it says that the Sentinel Docker image was NOT downloaded.

Screenshot 2024-07-13 20 47 51

Finally, I can't run the command sudo dvpn-node-manager.

The system returns dvpn-node-manager: command not found

Thank you very much for your help.

FoxinouFR commented 1 week ago

Hi! Here's a new version running on debian 12 as root. Everything works on my side but I tested on a fresh installation of debian.

cd ~
wget -O
sudo bash

Please let me know if it works for you. A new version of the .deb package will be generated in the next few hours to enable command-line installation.

theVasilis commented 5 days ago

Thank you @FoxinouFR

That worked, I reached to a point where it asks me to send $10 DVPN to a specific wallet address or click quit and run the installer again.

Obviously I didn't know that, and I wasn't prepared. So I clicked quit, until I send the funds to the specified wallet address.

Couple of questions:

1) DVPN token on Osmosis chain or another one? I see 5 different versions on Binance Web3 Wallet 2) After i send the tokens, should I re-run the installation script? 3) Is the package going to update automatically following the .deb repository publication?

Thank you very much.

FoxinouFR commented 5 days ago

Thank you @theVasilis.

  1. These are native $DVPN tokens from the Sentinel blockchain. You can buy them on Osmosis and then transfer them to the Sentinel blockchain. As for the Binance Wallet, I’m not sure, so I recommend asking in the Sentinel Node Network Telegram group for more information.

  2. Yes, once the tokens are available at the node’s address, you can restart the script, which will lead you to the script that allows you to manage your node.

  3. The .deb package will update automatically only if you have added the PPA and installed the package using the apt command. If you downloaded the .deb manually, you will need to download the new .deb versions yourself to update manually.

Thank you very much and see you soon.

theVasilis commented 3 days ago

@FoxinouFR thank you very much.

  1. the repository doesn't have a Release file and ends with 404. See screenshot

Screenshot 2024-07-23 16 33 03

Screenshot 2024-07-23 16 33 21

Maybe there is some change that needs to be done to the PPA to support Debian 12?

FoxinouFR commented 2 days ago

hello @theVasilis ! A new release is available and the README has been updated to show how to install dvpn-node-manager with the ppa.

It may be a few hours before the alpha13 package is available on ubuntu servers. We're at your disposal if you have any other problems!