Closed TGates71 closed 10 years ago
I replaced FQDN by "sub-domain" to be more homogen with explanation given just before.
I will wait a bit to retag. If there are no issues more important that this one, we are very close to a RC ! Please report on the forum what you installed/checked even if nothing bad to report.
That would be why I edited the explanation with this:
echo ' - use a sub-domain - a.k.a. FQDN (e.g.'
Either way, it works.
Suggestion: Change:
echo "Are you really sure that you want to setup Sentora with these parameters?" read -e -p "(y):accept and install, (n):change fqdn or ip, (q):quit installer? " yn case $yn in [Yy]* ) break;; [Nn]* ) continue;; [Qq]* ) exit;;
To:echo "Are you really sure that you want to setup Sentora with these parameters?" read -e -p "(a):Accept and install, (c):Change FQDN or IP, (q):Quit installer? " yn case $yn in [Aa]* ) break;; [Cc]* ) continue;; [Qq]* ) exit;;