sentriz / gonic

music streaming server / free-software subsonic server API implementation
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Request: Show audio metadata in stream logs #412

Closed SaveRobots closed 7 months ago

SaveRobots commented 8 months ago

Docker tag: latest

A while back, I submitted a feature request #212 to add additional detail to see what users are streaming within the logs. The feature was working great until today when I updated to the latest version. The logs now look something like:

GET /stream?u=USER&s=REDACTED&t=REDACTED&v=1.2.0&c=DSub&id=tr-53823&maxBitRate=273

Can we get readable stream logs back? This was a highly used feature for myself.

sentriz commented 7 months ago

whats the usecase for this? there is some compexity in this since we can potentially stream lots of different file types including podcasts etc

SaveRobots commented 7 months ago

To log and understand what parts of my library that my users are accessing. This seems like a pretty common feature for a media library/streaming platform.

sentriz commented 7 months ago

sorry i think i don't really like this feature. there's something about it. maybe it's a little specific/spammy/or just creepy

one idea if you want to watch a stream of currently playing track try this

docker compose logs --tail 20 -f main | while read -r line; do id="$(echo "$line" | grep -Po "tr-\K[0-9]+")"; [ -z "$id" ] && continue; echo "playing track $id"; sqlite3 main_data/gonic.db "select, tracks.tag_title from tracks join track_artists on join artists on where$id"; done

assuming docker, and your log stream is docker compose logs --tail 20 -f main, and your gonic db path is main_data/gonic.db

SaveRobots commented 7 months ago

That is kind of a strange response, considering this was a feature you had previously implemented via request.

I appreciate the alternative solution, but not really what I was looking for. Thanks anyways.