sentry-extensions / cyclops

Cyclops is meant to be a high performance barrier in front of Sentry (
163 stars 15 forks source link for development #33

Open WoZ opened 7 years ago

WoZ commented 7 years ago

Development and testing process should be unified. Docker is a good candidate.

Build the container:

$ docker build --rm -t cyclops:dev -f .

Bootstrap the container:

$ docker run --rm -d --name=cyclops-dev -v $PWD:/opt/cyclops cyclops:dev

Run the container:

$ docker start cyclops-dev

Attach into the container:

$ docker exec -it cyclops-dev bash

Stop container:

$ docker stop cyclops-dev

Remove container:

$ docker rm -f cyclops-dev

Install dependencies and run tests (after start of container and login into it):

$ cd /opt/cyclops
$ pip install -e . -e .[mysql] -e .[tests]
$ CYCLOPS_TEST_DB_USER=sentry CYCLOPS_TEST_DB_PASS=sentry make tests