sentryco / Logger

πŸ” Simple console logger
MIT License
5 stars 1 forks source link

Rename lib #4

Open eonist opened 1 year ago

eonist commented 1 year ago


LogTron, opexis, envers, lense, exista, πŸ‘‰ filter πŸ‘ˆ, nexu, radar, datashift


πŸ‘‰LogPoint πŸ‘ˆ dashlog, πŸ‘‰Log πŸ‘ˆ, tracif,, watchlite, logview


logitor, Debugger, logiflow, debugly, analyza, foresight, intelilog, SysLog, quicklog


snaplog, logwatch, Blaze, Debug, tracelink, smartrace, Monitor, debugr, smarttrace

Far out:

tuneguru, bugsight, ilog, fexo, logtronic, spolens, enso

eonist commented 1 year ago

Since apple ios14 apples new Log system is named Logger

here is more info how to use apples logger:

Could be really gd for debugging on external device etc

All different logging types: We can still do:

let logger = os.log.Logger(subsystem: Bundle.main.bundleIdentifier!, category: "network")
      logger.log("url = \(url)")
eonist commented 10 months ago

use ChatGPT to create more alterations of the names. By feeding it the current names

eonist commented 9 months ago

Log, LogPoint, Filter. All good names. But not that funky. "Bubbles" is funky. Logging is kind of like bubbles, they pop out of no where and keep growing and has a nice emoji: 🫧

eonist commented 9 months ago

🫧 Bubble - Logging that bubbles to the top