The app is broken with meta key codes on modern androids.
I already tested on some Android 8+ devices, not only real devices but also emulators.
Therefore, I modified the function in order to make it work.
Now I can send Ctrl + A as below: _4096 is META_CONTROL_ON, 8192 is META_CONTROL_LEFT_ON, 29 is KEYCODEAadb shell am broadcast -a ADB_INPUT_TEXT --es mcode '4096,29' // one metaState.
adb shell am broadcast -a ADB_INPUT_TEXT --es mcode '4096^|^8192,29' // two metaState.
Anyways, I appreciate your works.
but I found out the command is not working on Mac:
adb shell am broadcast -a ADB_INPUT_TEXT --es mcode '4096^|^8192,29'
/system/bin/sh: ^8192,29: inaccessible or not found
The app is broken with meta key codes on modern androids. I already tested on some Android 8+ devices, not only real devices but also emulators. Therefore, I modified the function in order to make it work. Now I can send Ctrl + A as below: _4096 is META_CONTROL_ON, 8192 is META_CONTROL_LEFT_ON, 29 is KEYCODEA
adb shell am broadcast -a ADB_INPUT_TEXT --es mcode '4096,29' // one metaState.
oradb shell am broadcast -a ADB_INPUT_TEXT --es mcode '4096^|^8192,29' // two metaState.
Anyways, I appreciate your works.