senzing-garage / garage-roadmap

Roadmap of future work
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Migrate repositories from senzing to senzing-garage #3

Open docktermj opened 9 months ago

docktermj commented 9 months ago


  1. [ ] GitHub > [repository] > Settings
    1. [ ] General
      1. [ ] Pull Requests
        1. [ ] Uncheck Allow merge commits
        2. [x] Check Allow auto-merge
        3. [x] Check Automatically delete head branch
    2. [ ] Collaborators and teams > Manage Access
      1. [ ] Set Admin permission on "Senzing Garage Admin"
      2. [ ] Set Write permissions on remaining teams
    3. [ ] Pages > Build and deployment > Branch
      1. [ ] Set to main and /docs
    4. [ ] Code security and analysis
      1. [ ] Access to Alerts
        1. [ ] Add senzing-garage/senzing-engineering
  2. In repository:
    1. [ ] In .github/workflows/, point to GitHub actions insenzing-factory`
    2. [ ] In articulate that this is a "garage"
    3. [ ] Update the .github/CODEOWNERS/ file
    4. [ ] Delete PULL_REQUEST_TEMPLATE.mdfile
    5. [ ] Delete .github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE folder
    6. [ ] Change reference URLs from to
  3. In Go repositories:
    1. [ ] Delete PULL_REQUEST_TEMPLATE.mdfile
    2. [ ] Delete .github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE folder
    3. [ ] Delete obsolete .github/workflows/ files
    4. [ ] Search/replace "" with "" in files
    5. [ ] In
      1. [ ] Articulate that this is a "garage"
      2. [ ] Fix badges according to template-go
    6. [ ] Make makefiles folder, move and rename makefile include files
    7. [ ] Compare with template-go
    8. [ ] Run make dependencies
    9. [ ] Run clear; make clean setup test
    10. [ ] Run git commit -a -m "#nn Migrate repository"; git push
    11. [ ] In, create a new Minor release
    12. [ ] Run git commit -a -m "#nn Prepare for versioned release"; git push
docktermj commented 9 months ago

Current proposal:

Repository Senzing senzing-garage senzing-factory Description Notes
awesome :white_check_mark: Curated list of awesome software and resources for Senzing, The First Real-Time AI for Entity Resolution. Needs to be massively updated
aws-cloudformation-database-cluster :white_check_mark: AWS Cloudformation with VPC and Senzing database cluster
aws-cloudformation-dev-rest :white_check_mark: AWS Cloudformation for developers using Senzing HTTP REST API
aws-cloudformation-ecs-senzing-stack-basic :white_check_mark: AWS Cloudformation demonstrating a Senzing stack that can be used with aws-cloudformation-database-cluster.
aws-cloudformation-ecs :white_check_mark: :no_entry: [DEPRECATED] Contains deprecated AWS Cloudformation templates
aws-cloudformation-performance-testing :white_check_mark: Senzing AWS performance testing project.
aws-cloudformation-webapp-demo :white_check_mark: Senzing WebApp demo for AWS.
aws-lambda-cognito-authorizer :white_check_mark: Lambda function for authorizing via AWS Cognito
aws-lambda-self-signed-certificate :white_check_mark: Creates a self-signed SSL certificate for AWS demonstrations.
aws-marketplace-evaluation :question: AWS Marketplace offering. Not sure about this.
azure-template-aks-poc-simple :white_check_mark: An Azure ARM template for bringing up Senzing on Kubernetes (AKS)
bizname-research :white_check_mark: [Research] Determine language/country origin of business name Current research
build-resources :white_check_mark: Collection of utilities to aid with build process
charts :white_check_mark: Helm Charts for use with Kubernetes, OpenShift, and Rancher.
check-self :white_check_mark: Checks environment
code-snippets :white_check_mark: Task based code snippet examples.
community-map :white_check_mark: :construction: [Under construction] A visual representation of the Senzing Community.
community-roadmap :white_check_mark: A peek into the future of the Senzing Community.
compressedfile :white_check_mark: Distributed with Senzing API package
configurator :white_check_mark: Web service for configuring Senzing.
connector-neo4j :white_check_mark: Transform Senzing data into Neo4j graph database.
data-encryption-aes256cbc-sample :white_check_mark: This is a sample encryption plugin, for use with the G2 engine to encrypt sensitive data in the data repository.
data-mart-replicator :white_check_mark: :construction: Data mart
demo-entity-search :white_check_mark: A CLI tool for demonstrating entity searching
discussions :white_check_mark: Repository that supports GitHub Discussions.
docker-adminer :white_check_mark: Dockerfile wrapping adminer, a database viewer.
docker-apt :white_check_mark: Dockerfile wrapping apt-get, a package manager.
docker-aptdownloader :white_check_mark: Dockerfile wrapping apt-get install --download-only.
docker-base-image-debian :white_check_mark: A base docker image for Senzing processes built on Debian.
docker-compose-air-gapper :white_check_mark: Create a TGZ bundle for air-gapped environments based on docker-compose.yaml
docker-compose-demo :white_check_mark: Demonstrate Senzing stack using docker-compose.
docker-db2-driver-installer :white_check_mark: Install DB2 client drivers on mounted volumes.
docker-hello-world :white_check_mark: Dockerfile for testing docker formations.
docker-ibm-db2 :white_check_mark: Dockerfile wrapping ibmcom/db2 docker image.
docker-init-container :white_check_mark: Dockerfile used to initialize Senzing artifacts.
docker-installer :white_check_mark: Dockerfile use to install Senzing in a non-root container.
docker-mysql-init :white_check_mark: Dockerfile for initializing mysql database with a one-time command.
docker-python-demo :white_check_mark: Dockerfile demonstrating simple Flask app using Senzing.
docker-senzing-base :white_check_mark: Dockerfile used in FROM statements.
docker-senzing-console :white_check_mark: Docker-based console enabled for interacting with Senzing programs.
docker-sshd :white_check_mark: Dockerfile wrapping sshd.
docker-terraform-aws :white_check_mark: :construction: [Under construction]
docker-test-layers :white_check_mark: A Repository for testing contents of Docker layers
docker-test :white_check_mark: Used in Spikes. Not for production.
docker-web-app-demo :white_check_mark: Dockerfile combining Senzing API server and Senzing Entity WebApp.
docker-wrap-image-with-db2 :white_check_mark: Wrap a Docker image with enablement for Db2 database
docker-wrap-image-with-mssql :white_check_mark: Wrap a Docker image with enablement for MS SQL database
docker-wrap-image-with-mysql :white_check_mark: Wrap a Docker image with enablement for MySQL database
docker-wrap-image-with-senzing-apt :white_check_mark: Wrap an existing docker image with the Senzing package.
docker-wrap-image-with-senzing-data :white_check_mark: Add /opt/senzing/data to a base image.
docker-xterm :white_check_mark: Web-based X-terminal.
docker-yum :white_check_mark: Dockerfile wrapping yum, a package manager.
dockerhub-util :white_check_mark: Utilities for working with registry
dumpstack :white_check_mark: Distributed with Senzing API package
elasticsearch :white_check_mark: Using G2 engine with ElasticSearch indexing engine.
entity-search-web-app-console :white_check_mark: A side-car for the Entity Search Web App
entity-search-web-app :white_check_mark: A lightweight http server providing a web UI for entity search through the senzing api server.
evaluate :white_check_mark: Information for evaluating Senzing at
explain :white_check_mark: A CLI tool for explaining errors
file-loader :white_check_mark: Utility to load mapped JSON data and process redo records after loading.
g2-python :white_check_mark: Tools found at g2/python in the SenzingAPI package. May no longer be needed.
g2-sdk-go-base :white_check_mark: An SDK for calling the Senzing C library locally.
g2-sdk-go-grpc :white_check_mark: An SDK for calling the Senzing C library via gRPC network requests.
g2-sdk-go-mock :white_check_mark: A mock object for the interface.
g2-sdk-go :white_check_mark: Senzing's Go Software Development Kit (SDK)
g2-sdk-java :white_check_mark: Java SDK hosted on MvnRepository.
g2-sdk-json-type-definition :white_check_mark: [Spike] Codify JSON structure
g2-sdk-proto :white_check_mark: Proto files for the G2 Software Development Kit
g2-sdk-python-grpc :white_check_mark: An SDK for calling the Senzing C library via gRPC network requests.
g2-sdk-python-next :white_check_mark: [Development] Forthcoming major revision of Senzing Python SDK
g2-sdk-python :white_check_mark: Senzing Python SDK V3
g2anon :white_check_mark: Python SDK for G2Anonymizer
g2audit :white_check_mark: Distributed with Senzing API package
g2command :white_check_mark: Distributed with Senzing API package
g2configtables :white_check_mark: Distributed with Senzing API package
g2configtool :white_check_mark: Distributed with Senzing API package
g2createinstance :white_check_mark: Create a per-user instance of Senzing in a new folder with the specified name.
g2createproject :white_check_mark: Distributed with Senzing API package
g2database :white_check_mark: Distributed with Senzing API package
g2explorer :white_check_mark: Distributed with Senzing API package
g2export :white_check_mark: Distributed with Senzing API package
g2iniparams :white_check_mark: Distributed with Senzing API package
g2loader :white_check_mark: Distributed with Senzing API package
g2module :white_check_mark: Python SDK for G2
g2paths :white_check_mark: Distributed with Senzing API package
g2project :white_check_mark: Distributed with Senzing API package
g2s3 :white_check_mark: Distributed with Senzing API package
g2search :white_check_mark: Reads formatted search records, calls Senzing, and outputs for analysis
g2setupconfig :white_check_mark: Distributed with Senzing API package
g2snapshot :white_check_mark: Distributed with Senzing API package
g2updateproject :white_check_mark: Distributed with Senzing API package
git-action-slack-notification :white_check_mark: GitHub Action for notifying Slack
github-action-add-issue-to-project :white_check_mark: A GitHub Action for adding an issue to projects.
github-action-docker-buildx-build :white_check_mark: GitHub Action for using Docker buildx command
github-action-identify-customer :white_check_mark: A GitAction for determining if a customer submitted the issue.
github-action-install-senzing-api :white_check_mark: GitHub Action for installing Senzing API
github-action-make-go-github-file :white_check_mark: Make a version.go file
github-action-make-go-tag :white_check_mark: From the Semantic Version, create a v0.0.0 tag for the Go module version
github-util :white_check_mark: Works with GitHub metadata.
go-cmdhelping :white_check_mark: Helpers for using cobra and viper
go-common :white_check_mark: Reusable, small components.
go-databasing :white_check_mark: Database routines
go-grpcing :white_check_mark: Go package of gRPC helpers
go-logging :white_check_mark: A reusable logging framework.
go-messaging :white_check_mark: Message creation
go-observing :white_check_mark: Observer software design pattern
go-queueing :white_check_mark: Queue routines
go-rest-api-service :white_check_mark: [in-progress] Go package implementation of API server
go-sdk-abstract-factory :white_check_mark: An abstract factory for objects of the interface.
governor-postgresql-transaction-id :white_check_mark: Governor plugin for PostgreSQL transaction IDs.
ibm-openshift-guide :white_check_mark: Demonstrate Senzing stack using OpenShift and IBM Db2.
images :white_check_mark: Images used across repositories.
init-database :white_check_mark: Initialize database with Senzing schema and configuration
init-mssql :white_check_mark: Initialize an MS SQL database with Senzing schema and configuration
init-mysql :white_check_mark: Initialize a MySQL database with Senzing schema and configuration
init-postgresql :white_check_mark: Initialize a PostgreSQL database with Senzing schema and configuration
keystore-generator :white_check_mark: Generates SSL keys
knowledge-base :white_check_mark: HOWTOs, tasks, explanations, and more knowledge.
kubernetes-demo :white_check_mark: Demonstrate Senzing stack using Kubernetes.
libpostal-data :white_check_mark: Information about libpostal work done by Senzing.
libpostal :white_check_mark: A C library for parsing/normalizing street addresses around the world. Powered by statistical NLP and open geo data.
load :white_check_mark: A CLI tool for loading records
mapper-base :white_check_mark: Base functions used to map a variety of formats to a Senzing-acceptable format.
mapper-csv :white_check_mark: Exemplar artifacts (files) that can be used in other Senzing repositories.
mapper-dnb :white_check_mark: Map DNB format to Senzing format.
mapper-dowjones :white_check_mark: Map Dow Jones Watchlist format to Senzing format.
mapper-icij :white_check_mark: Map ICIJ format to Senzing format.
mapper-leie :white_check_mark: Map US HHS LEIE to Senzing format.
mapper-nomino :white_check_mark: Map Nomino format to Senzing format.
mapper-npi :white_check_mark: Map NPPES NPI Registry to Senzing format.
mapper-ofac :white_check_mark: Map OFAC to Senzing format.
mapper-open-ownership :white_check_mark: Map Open Ownership Register into Senzing format
mapper-opensanctions :white_check_mark: Map Open Sanctions into Senzing format.
mapper-safegraph :white_check_mark: Map SafeGraph format to Senzing format.
mapper-sayari-spark :white_check_mark: Map Sayari's global corporate data into Senzing format using Spark.
mapper-sayari :white_check_mark: Map Sayari's global corporate data into Senzing format.
move :white_check_mark: A CLI tool for moving data
mssql-performance :white_check_mark: Tips for working with Senzing on MS SQL
observe :white_check_mark: A CLI tool for observing
openshift-demo :white_check_mark: Demonstrate Senzing stack using minishift.
performance-general :white_check_mark: Tips about improving the performance of Senzing
postgresql-client :white_check_mark: A psql client that waits for the database to be ready before uploading SQL file.
postgresql-performance :white_check_mark: Tweaks to PostgreSQL and the Senzing DDL
rabbitmq-performance :white_check_mark: Tweeks to RabbitMQ
redoer :white_check_mark: Perform Senzing Redo operations.
resolver :white_check_mark: Ephemeral Senzing entity-resolution.
rest-api-client-java :white_check_mark: :construction: [Under construction] - Client built from OpenAPI specification.
rest-api-client-ng :white_check_mark: Angular TypeScript interfaces, and classes for interacting with the senzing-api-server.
risk-score-calculator :white_check_mark: Risk scorer.
sdk-components-ng :white_check_mark: A collection of UI components to interface with the Senzing Rest API server.
senzing-api-server :white_check_mark: Server of Senzing REST API.
senzing-commons-java :white_check_mark: Java classes used in multiple Senzing projects
senzing-data-encryption-specification :white_check_mark: This is the interface for creating encryption plugins, to work with the G2 engine to encrypt sensitive data in the data repository.
senzing-entity-specification :white_check_mark: Complete Senzing Entity Specification and Attribute Dictionary.
senzing-listener-example :white_check_mark: Example use of Senzing listener framework
senzing-listener :white_check_mark: Listener framework.
senzing-poc-server :white_check_mark: Senzing API Server plus management APIs.
senzing-rest-api-specification :white_check_mark: OpenAPI specification of Senzing REST API.
senzing-tools :white_check_mark: An aggregation of Senzing tools
senzing-tutorial-in-python :white_check_mark: Work in progress
senzing-with-chatgpt-notebook :white_check_mark: [Spike] ChatGPT and Jupyter Notebook integration
senzing-with-chatgpt-plugin :white_check_mark: [Spike] ChatGPT integration :white_check_mark: Organization site at
senzingapi-runtime :white_check_mark: Dockerfile with senzingapi-runtime binaries baked-in
senzingapi-tools :white_check_mark: Base image using senzingapi-tools DEB file
senzinggo :white_check_mark: Quickly and easily start the Senzing REST API server, demo web app & Swagger in containers.
serve-chat :white_check_mark: Spike for HTTP API for chat service
serve-grpc :white_check_mark: A gRPC server of the protocol
serve-http :white_check_mark: A CLI tool for serving HTTP
stream-loader :white_check_mark: Python tool for loading Senzing Engine from RabbitMQ, Kafka, or AWS SQS.
stream-logger :white_check_mark: A utility for dumping the contents of a stream to a log.
stream-producer :white_check_mark: Produce a stream from different input formats.
subway-map :white_check_mark: site
support :white_check_mark: site
template-docker :white_check_mark: Best practices for creating a "docker-*" repository.
template-go :white_check_mark: Best practices for creating a "go-" repository.
template-python :white_check_mark: Best practices for creating a "python-*" repository.
template-repository :white_check_mark: Best practices for creating repository.
test-ground :white_check_mark: An area for testing ideas. May be wiped out at any time.
truth-sets :white_check_mark: Distributed with Senzing API package
validate :white_check_mark: A CLI tool for validating data
video :white_check_mark: Videos available at
docktermj commented 9 months ago

Next round
