As reported in, the web UI for Qless fails to load on newer Ruby installs, due to Vegas relying on a now-removed questionable "feature".
A workaround is to patch the installed file, as shown in the first issue thread above:
(you may need to adjust the file path for your specific version)
/usr/local/rvm/gems/ruby-3.0.2@global/gems/vegas-0.1.11/lib/vegas/runner.rb:146: warning: calling via Kernel#open is deprecated, call directly or use URI#open
As reported in, the web UI for Qless fails to load on newer Ruby installs, due to Vegas relying on a now-removed questionable "feature".
The issue is referenced in the Vegas repo as well:
A workaround is to patch the installed file, as shown in the first issue thread above:
(you may need to adjust the file path for your specific version)