seopanel / Seo-Panel

World's first seo control panel for multiple websites
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Is SeoPanel dead? #233

Open danner26 opened 7 months ago

danner26 commented 7 months ago

This repo does not appear to be maintained anymore, and it looks like updates are far and few between. Is Seo Panel dead? Is the maintainers not upkeeping it anymore?

sendtogeo commented 4 months ago

we started working on it and soon will release next version. We were busy with seo panel pro software creation. It is almost completed and now just started with seo panel community version upgrade.

sendtogeo commented 2 months ago

Released new version of seo panel 4.11.0

Can you please check it. Thanks again for your great support for the project.

sendtogeo commented 2 months ago

This repo does not appear to be maintained anymore, and it looks like updates are far and few between. Is Seo Panel dead? Is the maintainers not upkeeping it anymore?

Please use following steps to install it

Docker Installation 

        1. Download seo panel latest version and unzip it.  Then Copy sample_env file to .env file and edit required details in it

                cp sample_env .env

        3. Execute following command to start docker containers 

                docker compose up

        4. Take following link in browser and follow the installation instructions


Please update us how the testing worked or not :)

danner26 commented 2 months ago

Does the latest version support PHP 8?

danner26 commented 2 months ago

Why are deprecated version of TLS enabled in this docker image for the DB?

sendtogeo commented 2 months ago

Does the latest version support PHP 8?

yes it will.

sendtogeo commented 2 months ago

Why are deprecated version of TLS enabled in this docker image for the DB?

Sorry I didn't get you . Can you please explain it bit more