sepfy / libpeer

WebRTC Library for IoT/Embedded Device using C
MIT License
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How to send Uint8Array data to the peer? (using the 'datachannel' example) #29

Closed alex-chou9 closed 1 year ago

alex-chou9 commented 1 year ago

Excuse my ignorance on the subject... But is there a way to send Uint8Array instead of String to the peer?

In sctp.c, I tried passing an unsigned char array to usrsctp_sendv. [1] But when I check in the browser, the data received by the onmessage is still 'String'. [2]

alex-chou9 commented 1 year ago

Got it.

In sctp.c, just change the htonl(51) to htonl(53), and the browser's onmessage will get the array instead of String.
