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Git #4

Open sepideh-shamsizadeh opened 1 year ago

sepideh-shamsizadeh commented 1 year ago

Git is a distributed version control system that is commonly used for software development. It was created by Linus Torvalds in 2005, and has since become one of the most popular version control systems in use.

Git allows users to keep track of changes to files in a project over time, and to collaborate with other developers on the same project. With Git, users can create "snapshots" of the project at different points in time, and easily switch between different versions of the code.

One of the key features of Git is its ability to work offline. Unlike some other version control systems, Git does not rely on a centralized server to store the project files. Instead, each developer has a local copy of the entire project, along with its complete history. This means that developers can work on the project even when they are not connected to the internet, and can then synchronize their changes with the rest of the team when they come back online.

Git is also designed to be very flexible and customizable. It can be used with a wide variety of development workflows, and can be integrated with a range of other tools and services. Additionally, Git is open source software, which means that it is free to use and modify, and the source code is available for anyone to view and contribute to.

sepideh-shamsizadeh commented 1 year ago

Here are some of the most commonly used Git commands that you can use to manage your code repository:

Creating a New Repository

To create a new repository, you can use the following commands:

Committing Changes

To commit changes to your repository, you can use the following commands:

Viewing Repository Status

To view the status of your repository, you can use the following command:

Working with Branches

To work with branches in your repository, you can use the following commands:

Working with Remotes

To work with remote repositories, you can use the following commands:

These are just a few of the most commonly used Git commands. There are many other commands and options available, and Git is a very flexible and powerful tool for managing code repositories.

sepideh-shamsizadeh commented 1 year ago

After you have finished working on a branch in Git, there are a few steps that you should follow to ensure that your changes are properly merged and saved:

Commit your changes: Before you merge your branch with the main branch, you should commit any changes that you have made on your branch. This ensures that your changes are saved and can be easily tracked and managed.

Merge your changes: Once you have committed your changes, you can merge your branch with the main branch. This will bring your changes into the main branch and make them available to other team members.

Push your changes: After you have merged your branch, you should push your changes to the remote repository. This will update the remote repository with your changes, and make them available to other team members.

Delete your branch: Once your changes have been merged and pushed, you should delete your branch. This helps keep your repository clean and organized, and makes it easier to manage and track changes over time.

Here are the specific Git commands you can use to complete these steps:

It is important to follow these steps to ensure that your changes are properly managed and tracked in your Git repository, and to avoid any conflicts or issues with other team members who may be working on the same project.

sepideh-shamsizadeh commented 1 year ago

Pull request

A pull request is a feature in Git and other version control systems that allow developers to collaborate on code changes. A pull request (PR) is a method of submitting proposed changes to a codebase, typically a Git repository, and is commonly used in open-source software projects.

A pull request starts with a developer making changes to a branch of the repository and then submitting a request for those changes to be merged into the main branch. The request is reviewed by other developers, who can suggest further changes or accept the changes and merge them into the main branch.

Pull requests are a way for developers to review and discuss code changes in a collaborative way, and they help to ensure that the changes are high quality and compatible with the rest of the codebase. They also allow for easy tracking of changes and discussion around specific lines of code.

In many projects, pull requests are a required step in the development process before changes can be merged into the main codebase. They are a critical part of the code review and testing process and help to ensure that code changes are well-documented and well-tested before they are integrated into the project.