Closed seppinho closed 5 years ago
I am having this exact error on a Mac
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: /private/var/folders/gn/8t3hpbvx63qd3lfn5pnhqx880000gp/T/jbwa-0.7.17/ dlopen(/private/var/folders/gn/8t3hpbvx63qd3lfn5pnhqx880000gp/T/jbwa-0.7.17/, 1): no suitable image found. Did find:
/private/var/folders/gn/8t3hpbvx63qd3lfn5pnhqx880000gp/T/jbwa-0.7.17/ unknown file type, first eight bytes: 0x7F 0x45 0x4C 0x46 0x02 0x01 0x01 0x00
/private/var/folders/gn/8t3hpbvx63qd3lfn5pnhqx880000gp/T/jbwa-0.7.17/ unknown file type, first eight bytes: 0x7F 0x45 0x4C 0x46 0x02 0x01 0x01 0x00
at java.lang.ClassLoader$NativeLibrary.load(Native Method)
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadLibrary0(
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadLibrary(
at java.lang.Runtime.load0(
at java.lang.System.load(
at importer.FastaImporter.load(
at genepi.base.Tool.start(
at genepi.haplogrep.main.Haplogrep.main(
Hi, What is a Jbwa file and how do I load it? there is no reference page. Please help.
Hi, is there a fix for this? I'm having the same issue. Thanks
@Arslan-Zaidi no fix yet, but maybe you or someone else can help me building the native lib (MacOS required):
@seppinho I have a jbwa.jar here is this what you need?
The jbwa-native
is a tar file. I can upload that too.
Thanks. Can't access the file yet ("file is uploading"). One more thing, can you also send me the folder src/main/native?
@nuin awesome! the tar file would be great and also the files from src/main/native as a tar.
@seppinho I will send you an email with the whole folder in a tar ball.
It bounced
@seppinho Sent to your UIBK address
@seppinho Correct address now, I had your UIBK address in my contacts, didn't notice you moved. Let me know of any issues.
Thanks! library (*.jnilib) is included. I think I have everything to build a new version. Thanks for your quick help
Great, let me know if you need any other Mac stuff.
@nuin. Thanks, I just build a pre-release. Can you let me know if it works?
It works fine now. Tested with a couple of FASTA files.
Awesome. Thanks for your time. I'll close this issue and create a new release