Open Alessio0796 opened 3 years ago
Dear Alessio,
Can you post or send me the input samples profile? Could be related to heteroplasmic variants issue or related to the samples input range. Is it microarray data?
Hi, Thank you for the answer! Can I send you the input samples via e-mail? They're in .fasta format. Talking about samples, Haplogrep notices me errors and warnings such as "Heteroplasmic positions", "ambigous results" and something like that. I performed (on mitochondrial DNA) PCR, ExoSAP and bigdye before sequencing with 3500 analyzer. I thank you so much for the interest!
Ciao Alessio - of course, here's my address -
Is this issue still open?
Some of my samples show a quality of "∞%". What does it mean?