septadev / GTFS

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Missing GTFS table attributes - A wishlist. #8

Open splendidbits opened 7 years ago

splendidbits commented 7 years ago

Some updates to possibly bear in mind going forward, if it's not a big headache. Below are a list of (at least my personal) nice-to-haves, written under in the context of the GTFS tables in question. I'll keep this updated.

As always thanks for your work. Please see this as more of a wishlist.


RideSchedules commented 7 years ago

This all sounds great, especially adding fare information.

zachpepsin commented 7 years ago

These changes would be amazing. One other thing I would love: if stations that connect with other rail lines (such as 30th St) used the same stop_id across other GTFS feeds. It would require minimal coordination with NJ Transit, but would make it much easier to handle transfers with other rail lines.

fulldecent commented 7 years ago

Quick note: all of the required information per GTFS specification, updated July 12, 2016, is in SEPTA's file.

This issue relates to adding optional data that is predefined in GTFS.

If anyone's interested, here is a script I use to import SEPTA rail data into SQLite

splendidbits commented 5 years ago

@fulldecent Your script 404's. If you could come in Saturday and re-upload that would be great.


@zachpepsin I actually forgot to write that way back then (before NJT had any GTFS feeds at all), and yes, this would be amazing.

@septadev Just to update this thread, getting a consistent experience through both feeds is still a hardship for me. Especially having the same (SEPTA) agency_id across all tables. Thanks!

fulldecent commented 5 years ago

Updated link:

fulldecent commented 5 years ago

Since I just redid the file. Here it is if you want it.

fulldecent commented 5 years ago

Since I just redid the file. Here it is if you want it.

splendidbits commented 5 years ago

@fulldecent thanks!