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Add description of the register list as a help box #120

Open uqmchuvo opened 1 year ago

uqmchuvo commented 1 year ago

"what's a register list" help box. Explaining the purpose of the list, where to find accession and how to merge lists of different names coming from the same publication.

lmrodriguezr commented 1 year ago

@uqmchuvo @MarikePalmer Do you think either of you could produce a draft of the message?

uqmchuvo commented 1 year ago

hey, I wonder if there could be some other ways to link the lists? the moment I can only do it if the list is send back and then proposed as part of another existing list. Maybe there is another way that I missed :P please let me know! I can draft it when I hear from you about the list but will be happy to have comments from Marike on the draft!

lmrodriguezr commented 1 year ago

hey, I wonder if there could be some other ways to link the lists?..

I don't understand the question. A way to link together multiple lists? What would be the use case?

MarikePalmer commented 1 year ago

I'm also not sure what you mean here Masha? I'm also not completely sure where this message would go? Would this be at the button "Propose name" - "Link this name to a Register List for validation"?

Because then perhaps a help message for the register list could be:

"Names submitted for evaluation for endorsement or validation need to be submitted as part of a register list. This list may contain a single name or numerous names, but it is recommended that all names appearing in the same effective publication are added to a single list. Each register list has a unique accession in the form of "" which can be reported in manuscripts in preparation or submitted for peer-review. This list facilitates effective curator review in the Registry for all names appearing in the same effective publication."

uqmchuvo commented 1 year ago

Haha sorry if I confused was not my intension and maybe it shows that I am confused here! My question was specifically about merging lists together when one (by accident) created two independent lists that are linked to the same publication. This happens occasionally but with the addition of new message, hopefully, it won't happen or will happen less.

Marike, thanks for drafting the message! This is excellent! I made few minor edits/suggestions in bold, please feel free to accept/reject. I also removed some parts but, unfortunately, I don't see here how to 'strike through' so please compare side by side...

"Names submitted for evaluation before or after publication need to be submitted as part of a register list. This list may include more than one name, and it is recommended that all names appearing in the same effective publication are added to a single list. Each register list has a unique accession in the form of "" which can be reported in manuscripts in preparation or submitted for peer-review. This list facilitates curator's review in the Registry and ensures that names appearing in the same effective publication are all validated at the same time.

uqmchuvo commented 1 year ago

I removed the endorsement and validation because the process of proposing names as a list and evaluation/review happens for both path 1 and 2. Any other ideas how to make this clear?..

lmrodriguezr commented 1 year ago

I added the text here:

Which is linked from this new FAQ page:

Also accessible from the About page:

Please let me know where do you think we could add a (?) button to embed a help box.

Also, feel free to edit the documents themselves in this new repository:

The Register List document can be accessed here:

uqmchuvo commented 1 year ago

Thanks Miguel! Looks great!