Closed chaitanya11 closed 5 years ago
Hey @chaitanya11, thanks for bringing this up. Can you fill out the issue template please? I don't quite understand your issue. Are you expecting this to work with sequelize-typescript while it doesn't?
attributes:['QUESTION_ID', 'POSTER_I',
['( 6371 * acos( '
+ 'cos( radians('+qstnFeedRequest.qstnLocLat+') ) '
+ '* cos( radians( QSTN_LOC_LAT ) ) '
+ '* cos( radians( QSTN_LOC_LONG ) - radians('+ qstnFeedRequest.qstnLocLong+') ) '
+ '+ sin( radians('+qstnFeedRequest.qstnLocLat+') ) '
+ '* sin( radians( QSTN_LOC_LAT ) ) ) '
+ ')', 'DISTANCE'
include: [
{ model: USER_ATTRIB,
{ model: QSTN_CATG,
attributes: [['CATG_I', 'QSTN_CATG_I']],
where: qstnCatgWhereClause
{ model: REPLY_MAIN,
attributes: ['QSTN_I', [sequelize.fn('COUNT', sequelize.col('REPLY_MAIN.QSTN_I')), 'REPLY_COUNT']],
where: {REPLY_STATUS: 200},
group: ['QSTN_I'], // Should be enabled if it is a separate query
separate: true, // separate query
having: {'REPLY_COUNT': {$ne: null}},
required: false
having:{ 'DISTANCE' : {$lt: 5} },
where: whereClause,
limit: qstnFeedRequest.limit
in above mentioned operation we are including REPLY_MAIN
Model in a separate query.
so shoulbe be executed in a separate query like follows
But, in sequelize-typescript even after enabling separate: true
, Group by
and Having
were not enabled giving compilation error in code.
@RobinBuschmann let us know your thoughts about this.
@chaitanya11 Which sequelize and which sequelize-typescript are you using? Did you try the same with pure sequelize - does it work there?
here is the sequelize version "sequelize": "^5.8.6"
working code with sequelize
const Sequelize = require('sequelize');
var sequelize = new Sequelize('database', 'username', 'pasword', {
host: 'localhost',
dialect: 'mysql',
var Person = sequelize.define('Person', {
name: Sequelize.STRING
var Father = sequelize.define('Father', {
age: Sequelize.STRING,
const queyFn = async () => {
const result = await Person.findAll({
include: [
model: Father,
attributes: {
include: [[sequelize.fn('COUNT', sequelize.col('age')), 'age_count']]
separate: true,
group: ['id']
the above program translate query to
Executing (default): SELECT `Person`.`id`, `Person`.`name`, `Person`.`createdAt`, `Person`.`updatedAt` FROM `People` AS `Person`;
Executing (default): SELECT `id`, COUNT(`age`) AS `age_count`, `PersonId` FROM `Fathers` AS `Father` WHERE `Father`.`PersonId` IN (1, 2, 3, 4, 5) GROUP BY `id`;
while "sequelize-typescript": "^0.6.8",
will give compilation error
Object literal may only specify known properties, and 'group' does not exist in type 'typeof Model | IIncludeOptions'.
Unable to add group: ['id']
in include
when separate: true
Adding sequelize project zip for reference :
@chaitanya11 Thanks. It's obviously working, but unfortunately I can't find anything in the docs of sequelize. Can you provide a link to it? Nevertheless I mark this as a bug - this should be added to the typings of sequelize-typescript. But also to the typings of sequelize@5, there are missing there as well.
@RobinBuschmann so should we raise this bug in sequelize@5
and wait till they resolve and release new version or shall we try to solve in our sequelize-typescript
repo and make that as reference to sequelize buddies ?
@chaitanya11 I think both makes sense: Fixing it in sequelize-typescript
(what you already did) and raising a bug in sequelize.
If seperate: true is specified, user should be able to do group operation, because it will be executed as separate query. related issue in Sequlize.
stack overflow question