sequelpro / sequelpro

MySQL/MariaDB database management for macOS
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Feature: Add destination db detail to Copy Database > Copying Database modal dialog #3714

Open bronius opened 4 years ago

bronius commented 4 years ago

When copying a large database, the steps are:

  1. Select Copy Database (currently selected).
  2. Name the destination database name, select include content.
  3. Dialog shows: Copying database: [source database name]

Currently: Dialog shows like: copying_database_dialog

Copying database 'source-database-name'

Desired: Show the same dialog but also include, "to 'destination-database-name'.

Care should be taken to not truncate the destination (source would be good to be kept intact as well), and extra UX points for making it selectable text.

The spirit of this feature request is that when copying a really large database which can take a few minutes, it's nice to simultaneously go and prepare other things at the same time. In my particular case I needed to be reminded what clever destination database name string I had come up with so I could update my connection string in code.

Briones commented 4 years ago

Try to create an issue in the fork, this project is dead: