sequenceiq / cloudbreak-shell

CLI shell for the Cloudbreak project
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cluster create returns error #112

Closed msmullins closed 8 years ago

msmullins commented 9 years ago

We're attempting to launch HDP 2.2 stacks at AWS using the following instruction set in our command file. This works fine for creating the stack, but the final line fails consistently no matter what parameters we provide.

credential select --name awssvc blueprint select --name hdp-22-v2 network select --name default-aws-network security group select --name all-services-port instancegroup configure --instanceGroup cbgateway --nodecount 1 --templateName minviable-aws instancegroup configure --instanceGroup host_group_master_1 --nodecount 1 --templateName mod-compute instancegroup configure --instanceGroup host_group_master_2 --nodecount 1 --templateName mod-compute instancegroup configure --instanceGroup host_group_master_3 --nodecount 1 --templateName mod-compute instancegroup configure --instanceGroup host_group_slave_1 --nodecount 1 --templateName mod-compute instancegroup configure --instanceGroup host_group_slave_2 --nodecount 1 --templateName mod-compute instancegroup configure --instanceGroup host_group_slave_3 --nodecount 1 --templateName mod-compute instancegroup configure --instanceGroup host_group_slave_4 --nodecount 1 --templateName mod-compute instancegroup configure --instanceGroup host_group_slave_5 --nodecount 1 --templateName mod-compute instancegroup configure --instanceGroup host_group_slave_6 --nodecount 1 --templateName mod-compute hostgroup configure --hostgroup host_group_master_1 hostgroup configure --hostgroup host_group_master_2 hostgroup configure --hostgroup host_group_master_3 hostgroup configure --hostgroup host_group_slave_1 hostgroup configure --hostgroup host_group_slave_2 hostgroup configure --hostgroup host_group_slave_3 hostgroup configure --hostgroup host_group_slave_4 hostgroup configure --hostgroup host_group_slave_5 hostgroup configure --hostgroup host_group_slave_6 stack create --name hdp-22-auto --region US_EAST_1 --onFailureAction ROLLBACK cluster create

ERROR {message=Could not read JSON: Unrecognized field "fileSystem" (class com.sequenceiq.cloudbreak.controller.json.ClusterRequest), not marked as ignorable (13 known properties: "kerberosMasterKey", "enableSecurity", "name", "blueprintId", "emailNeeded", "kerberosAdmin", "userName", "kerberosPassword", "password", "description", "ambariStackDetails", "hostGroups" [truncated]]) at [Source: org.apache.catalina.connector.CoyoteInputStream@351626; line: 82, column: 22] (through reference chain: com.sequenceiq.cloudbreak.controller.json.ClusterRequest["fileSystem"]); nested exception is com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.exc.UnrecognizedPropertyException: Unrecognized field "fileSystem" (class com.sequenceiq.cloudbreak.controller.json.ClusterRequest), not marked as ignorable (13 known properties: "kerberosMasterKey", "enableSecurity", "name", "blueprintId", "emailNeeded", "kerberosAdmin", "userName", "kerberosPassword", "password", "description", "ambariStackDetails", "hostGroups" [truncated]]) at [Source: org.apache.catalina.connector.CoyoteInputStream@351626; line: 82, column: 22] (through reference chain: com.sequenceiq.cloudbreak.controller.json.ClusterRequest["fileSystem"])}

doktoric commented 8 years ago

We moved this project to the core cloudbreak and this issue was fixed. Please let us know If you have any other problem. (sorry for the late response) Br, Richard