sequenceiq / docker-ambari

Docker image with Ambari
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After install, container server is not able to connect - Mac #7

Closed hahla closed 10 years ago

hahla commented 10 years ago

This is a really neat project and I'm looking forward to seeing it running, unfortunately I've hit a snag testing it on Mavericks, and I cannot connect to the ambari server.

Here are the steps I am doing:

  1. installing boot2docker and using the basic ubuntu tests to validate setup
  2. using the single curl script to install the two docker containers for ambari a) I see the Ambari Shell in green, and in the top-right corner of my terminal an "Installing ..." sequence b) once the Installing gets to 100% it immediately dumps me back to my host terminal. c) I cannot connect to Ambari through the host or container IP at port 8080. When I try to connect, the socket waits (possibly indicating the container binding works, but is unable to connect to a service on the container, or the container service is failing?).... and times out to the host.

Also a few docker command outputs for your reference:

docker ps


6e5fa0735dfd sequenceiq/ambari:latest "/usr/local/serf/bin 39 minutes ago Up 17 minutes 7373/tcp, 7946/tcp,>8080/tcp ambari-singlenode

docker attach 6e5fa0735dfd

this hangs and never connects

matyix commented 10 years ago


Can you please re-run the install scripts (based on the blog posts) - you should use the sequenceiq/ambari:1.6.0 tag instead of the latest tags (the master contains the latest snapshot).

If you'd like to access the Ambari UI from the host you should set up the routing: sudo route add -net


hahla commented 10 years ago

Thank you for the fast reply!

I have done the following just now after cleaning out the previous images and stop/start boot2docker.

The single-node blog entry does not have an entry for the repo tag, so I assume you are referring to the multi-node instance blog entry? Here is what I just have done:

docker pull sequenceiq/ambari:1.6.0 curl -Lo .amb && . .amb && amb-deploy-cluster (I checked the script downloaded from curl uses "sequenceiq/ambari:1.6.0" tag as expected. i.e. in ambari-functions: : ${IMAGE:="sequenceiq/ambari:1.6.0"}

After the installation runs and is completed, it dumps me back to host bash and it looks like it's running.

docker ps -a CONTAINER ID IMAGE COMMAND CREATED STATUS PORTS NAMES cffac93e1e81 sequenceiq/ambari:1.6.0 "/usr/local/serf/bin 19 minutes ago Up 19 minutes 7946/tcp, 8080/tcp, 7373/tcp amb2 f6a716e37d82 sequenceiq/ambari:1.6.0 "/usr/local/serf/bin 19 minutes ago Up 19 minutes 7373/tcp, 7946/tcp, 8080/tcp amb1 bdc1efc66b3f sequenceiq/ambari:1.6.0 "/usr/local/serf/bin 19 minutes ago Up 19 minutes 7373/tcp, 7946/tcp, 8080/tcp amb0

Then I modified the command from the single-node blog post to get the IP address for the 1st container server with: docker inspect -f "" amb0

... but the container IP given just hangs on connect from the host, i.e.

Note: I'm not running any funny firewall software.

docker attach bdc1efc66b3f # this hangs also, whereas I was hoping to get a shell to debug the ambari server from within the container

matyix commented 10 years ago

Is routing configured from the host into the container (sudo route add -net

Also can you please let me know the b2b and docker versions?

hahla commented 10 years ago

Ah yes, it was routing! Great work.

docker -v Docker version 1.2.0, build fa7b24f

boot2docker version Client version: v1.2.0 Git commit: a551732