serapath / economy

balance sheet based simulation of monetary economy
MIT License
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motivation #10

Open serapath opened 6 years ago

serapath commented 6 years ago

A: what we observed:

  1. in our experience, accounting, money and laws around it are usually perceived as grey/boring/dull - but we think that's a "grave mistake"... instead it's more a cross between mathematics and the mystical arts.
  2. its goal is to record and report the financial performance of an organization. The end result of bookkeeping and accounting is a set of financial statements, but the starting point is the chart of accounts.
  3. here an account is more than a real-world account you have at a financial institution; it’s like a bucket for holding money used for a specific purpose.
  4. when you earn money, you document those earnings in an income account, just as you might toss the change from a day’s take at the lemonade stand into the jar on your desk.
  5. when you buy supplies for your business, that expense shows up in an expense account that works a lot like the shoebox you throw receipts into.
  6. if you buy a building, its value ends up in an asset account and if you borrow money to buy that building, the mortgage owed shows up in a liability account.
  7. as trivial as it sounds - maybe you once heard that "advanced enough technology is indistinguishable from magic" - now imagine you never heard of money:
  8. what if somebody told you a number in a ledger inside a certain system of rules as mentioned above would enable you to get more or less anyone anywhere in the world to do whatever you want
  9. if you would be told that they dont know you, you dont know them and they might not even like you - would you believe that number would be able to magically get them to do stuff for you, but they wouldnt do it to people without those numbers?
  10. isn't that a puzzeling crazy magical super power? "money magic" anyone? a bit similar to the concept of "mana" in wizardish games that allows you to cast spells (especially if advanced technology is like magic) - but once you run out of mana you can't cast anymore?

B: what we think about it:

  1. whatever the story might have been that made "money magic" exist in the first place - we think the driver behind it is, that billions of people on the planet can't easily communicate/coordinate in complex ways beyond gathering & protesting
  2. in fact they ask very well organised folks (organised through relations enabled by & reflected in above mentioned accounting system) to change their ways to make whichever things better - which they might sometimes do if they feel like - often they wont.
  3. the same ppl who might request/beg/protest have "another life" in which they are actually part of the well organised folks in a form called "employees" inside the money magic system where they MUST follow orders to make a living at the end of the day.
  4. everyone, even companies MUST follow orders by others who cast spells using "money magic" and it's what keeps the world go round 40h+ per week per person to shape the reality of everyone and everything on the planet for the better or worse.
  5. without following money, the overwhelming majority of ppl would be utterly confused what to do and how to convince anyone they don't know to do anything for them and fall back to their immediate family and friends usually ending up with very basic living conditions.
  6. picking random ppl from the billions around the world shows the mainstream person always follows the money they know the extreme poorness most end up without access to the money magic numbers on accounting ledgers.
  7. regardless of how far you have to go back in time - there was once no money and now there is - where does it come from these days? - according to history, the amount of money increased X-fold over the last decades and is in fact increasing as crazy as never before
  8. most people know: all countries and many ppl have debt and that debt is always getting worse => a 3 minutes video explains some key facts the best i've ever seen (even though we don't agree with it's proposed solution); check:
  9. to summarize it - very few ppl, through private banks, "print" all the money in the world by making loans to the companies/projects they think should exist in the world. it's not a democracy at all - not even remotely - they even sponsor/push/bribe/buy politicians into power.
  10. even governments get money through loans, literally: debt === money, without debt there is no money is how accounting works and a major mechanism to decide how to distribut money magic made from endless ever increasing loans is "INVESTMENT BANKING".

C: what we want to do about it:

  1. so whether NGO's or STARTUPS or normal corporations and all their employees, they all follow the so called "central banking system" money magic worldwide - no matter the label (capitalism/communism/whateverism/...)
  2. a money magic system (e.g. central banking system) defines the rules of the game - account numbers enable moves and measuring results and options and prevents different rules (=breaking of current rules) from happening
  3. current rules grant exclusive access to the very source of magic to a tiniest fraction of billions of planet inhabitants through the right to "print" (and use) an endless amount of money which they do as never before seen in history
  4. they can and do cast an endless amount of spells to make ppl shape reality in whatever ways they want for the better or worse, which weakens everyone elses "mana" in the accounting system by increasing mana spell prices
  5. so despite crazy advancements in technology in the past decades, casting houses or cars or renting spells is now more expensive relative to the mana we have than it was for our parents
  6. given the above insights and that we believe we lack the voice and arguments to convince billions of peoples not aware nor interested in details in hundreds of countries to stop following the money magic but instead do something different by doing .... what?
  7. we believe the way to change directions of the magic forces that make money (=magic/mana) work - namely "the global workforce" (machine powered or not) that shapes the planets and our reality is to change how magic works and ppl re-organising will follow
  8. it's the rules of the game that need re-programming and the internet and embedding philosophy and values into the apps which everyone who uses them will learn through use might be the power that can make happen.
  9. we want to empower people with the right skills and education about different ways to collaborate incentivised through piggy backing on the current "magic money system accounting game"
  10. if this grass roots p2p "paid tasks" focused learning infrastructure works it means ppl are now organised in supply chains of paid outsourced tasks which represents an infrastructure that eventually allows experimenting with different money magic rules in general