serapath / task-messenger

task messenger
MIT License
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Plan - dat_container_runtime #13

Open alyhxn opened 5 months ago

alyhxn commented 5 months ago


alyhxn commented 5 months ago

tasks - 2024.06.04

alyhxn commented 5 months ago

tasks - 2024.06.05



serapath commented 5 months ago

feedback 2024.06.05

I havent looked at the actual code DIFF yet and am waiting for the pull request, so the following feedback is based on the worklog video alone.

getset and useget

If the get call in the second screenshot is the same as the function get in the first one, then i wonder what is supposed to happen here.

The .postMessage call does not return anything. Any potential message that gets send back by the receiver ot the posmessage will be received in the port.onmessage = event => {} function.

So the back and forth is quite a bit more involved then who this what i see here is maybe assumed to work :-)

But the idea you are describing is the correct one otherwise. We definitely need and should solve this the way you say.

example For example here you are on the right track, but that wont work yet.

So when you do a .postMessage there is no way how you can easily relate a sent message to a message received in the future, which is why we have a very opinionated message structure that we need to comply with.

const message = { head, refs, type, data, meta }

Where const head = [by, to, mid] and that message ID is supposed to be 0 for the first message sent from by to to and then increased by +1 for every future message.

For any pair of unique sender and receiver (by and to), there is only a single message 1 or 2 and so on, which makes head globally unique.

So after sending a message, there would need to be an object, let's say const wait = {} and we store maybe a callback for how to continue, e.g. like this:

const wait = {}

const message = { ... }
const response = await send(message)

async function send (message) {
  const { resolve, reject, promise } = Promise.withResolvers()
  wait[message.head] = { resolve, reject, next }
  function next (message) { resolve(message) }

// and then elsewhere or before:
port.onmessage = onmessage

function onmessage (event) {
  const message =
  const handler = wait[message.refs.cause]
  if (handler) {
    delete wait[message.refs.cause]

In this case, a sender is a specific program i guess. So behind the scenes there should be one or more db book for every program and then those sent and received messages should be appended as pages to that book. The book is basically just an array for us for now.

So for any combination of by and to there is a book. And for each message.head that uses that exact by and to, the mid is the "page number".

Also, for by=ana and to=bob, the book that stores all replies would be by=bob and to=ana... if that makes sense :-)