serdarciplak / BlazorMonaco

Blazor component for Microsoft's Monaco Editor which powers Visual Studio Code.
MIT License
432 stars 98 forks source link

Other supported languages #117

Closed LUCKYONE-CC closed 6 months ago

LUCKYONE-CC commented 7 months ago

Hi, I have been looking for a library or a Razor component that I can easily import into my project. However, it should support C#. Is this also possible here, or does anyone know of an alternative? I have already tested it and entering "csharp" under the language-property did not help. The Monaco Editor API does not explicitly say that it supports C#.

serdarciplak commented 6 months ago

As you can see here, Monaco Editor (and thus BlazorMonaco) supports csharp. You can use StandaloneEditorConstructionOptions.Language property in BlazorMonaco to set the language of an editor instance.