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Tweak the use of PhantomData #63

Closed bluss closed 7 years ago

bluss commented 7 years ago

Maybe this is not the most important issue for serde, but correct usage here can help users use PhantomData correctly in general.

We want to use PhantomData<fn() -> T> when we are producing, not owning values of T.

(1) PhantomData<T> and (2) PhantomData<fn() -> T> have the same variance implications, but differ in other aspects. (1) makes the type non-Send if T is non-Send. (2) is always Send + Sync.

PhantomData is supposedly simple to reason about (this is at least the idea of their construction): the phantom data should mimic what the type actually does. Deserialization does actually do the equivalent of fn() -> T, we call a function that returns a T value.

(Further evidence is that we have no field that stores any "T", but we have a method that returns T or Result<T, _>)