seredat / karbowanec

Karbo (Karbovanets) - Digital Exchange Medium - cryptocurrency made in Ukraine, CryptoNote protocol implementation.
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New difficulty algorithm #11

Closed zawy12 closed 6 years ago

zawy12 commented 6 years ago

Here is my recommendation for your new difficulty algorithm. You can use either one because they act very similar, but I have a preference for the first one.

zawy12 commented 6 years ago

This is another adjustable window method. Gives a smooth difficulty most of the time, and triggers on unusual events.

Dynamic EMA

# Dynamic EMA difficulty algo (Jacob Eliosoff's EMA and Zawy's adjustable window). 
# Bitcoin cash dev(?) came up with the median of three to reduce timestamp errors.
# For EMA origins see 
# "Dynamic" means it triggers to a faster-responding value for N if a substantial change in hashrate
# is detected. It increases from that event back to Nmax

Nmax=144 # max EMA window
Nmin=25 # min EMA window

# TS=timestamp, T=600
# Find the most recent unusual 20-block event
for (i=height-Nmax to height) {  # height=current block index
    if ( (median(TS[i],TS[i-1],TS[i-2]) - median(TS[i-20],TS[i-21],TS[i-22]))/20/T  > 1.65 
         (median(TS[i],TS[i-1],TS[i-2]) - median(TS[i-20],TS[i-21],TS[i-22]))/20/T  < 0.5  ) 
      {   unusual_event=height - i + Nmin   } 
N = min(Nmax, unusual_event))

# now do EMA in previous post with this N
zawy12 commented 6 years ago

Just for simplicity reasons, I think Jacob Eliosoff's simple EMA above with N=80 is the one to use. I am making it slower than N=17 because I am seeing miners increase 3x if price/difficulty ratio drops 30% and N=17 causes it to drop that much on accident. N=17 is causing more delays in your coin than it needs to be. Right now my measure of your delays is 3.5% and I think this new algo will get it down to 1% and the difficulty will be a lot smoother. I believe its response to sudden hashrate change will be good.

aivve commented 6 years ago

I will try to understand and implement this one. This is amazing work.

zawy12 commented 6 years ago

I keep waffling between simple EMA and the dynamic EMA. I am still working to try to improve it.

zawy12 commented 6 years ago

I had en error in the dynamic one that I've corrected.

zawy12 commented 6 years ago

A word of caution with the EMA: when converting to and from bits field (aka target) to difficulty, it is important to not make a consistently wrong round off error. For example, if previous difficulty was 100,000, it is important that nothing in the code make it consistently +50 more or consistently -50 less (0.05% error). That would cause the EMA at N=70 to have 3.5% error in solvetime. At 0.5% error per block, there is 35% error in the solvetimes (difficulty is 30% too high or low). The error that develops from 0.5% and using N=70 seems to be based on about 1.005^70 = 41%. Larger N means larger error from "round off". If half the time it is +1,000 too high and the other half -1,000 too low, then it's OK. just don't be consistently wrong in the same direction.

zawy12 commented 6 years ago

A bad exploit on the timestamps was possible on the EMA, so I corrected it above. An attacker could have just sent -6xT timestamps which are made T/100 solvetimes, but then an honest timestamp after it would be about 7xT which would drive difficulty down. So ironically an attack pretend to send difficulty up, but makes honest timestamps send it down.

The more complicated EMA is not ready, and may never be clearly better, so use the simple EMA I have above.

zawy12 commented 6 years ago

I keep the newest version of the algorithm here.

Masari has done awesome with the WHM and I'm getting them to go to EMA in their next fork. Masaris used Sumokoin's N=17 and it was terrible. This like below shows their history, but that page also shows your history.

Oh, I forgot, I don't have your history because I can't get your json working like I did with the other monero coins. How can I correct this?

curl -X POST -d '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":"0","method":"getblockcount"}' -H 'Content-Type: application/json'
{"error":{"code":-32603,"message":"JsonValue type is not ARRAY or OBJECT"},"id":"0","jsonrpc":"2.0"}
zawy12 commented 6 years ago

I had an error in the timestamp handling in the EMA I posted above and in my link. Here it is corrected. which has a new recommendation for N (I did some work trying to select the best N based on the T)

aivve commented 6 years ago

Please, try this request

  "params": {

  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "id": "test",
  "method": "getblockcount"
zawy12 commented 6 years ago

That worked for "test" and "0", but now I can't get this to return a block. Give "method not found". I'm trying to get height, timestamp, and difficulty for each block.

curl -s -X POST 
-d '{"params":{"height":1000} ,"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":"0","method":"getblock"}' 
-H 'Content-Type: application/json'
zawy12 commented 6 years ago

OK, I found your RPC documentation and got it working

aivve commented 6 years ago

I should take time and add more methods to documentation. Forknote methods are working for Karbo too.

zawy12 commented 6 years ago

I added karbowanec to the charts:

zawy12 commented 6 years ago

OK, here's what's hopefully my final algorithm. It works as good as all the best ones, but it also allows integer math that coins want and allows negative solvetimes which makes it more accurate and safe with bad timestamps.

ghost commented 6 years ago

Bytecoin Issue related to the difficulty adjustment and time-warp attacks.

zawy12 commented 6 years ago

I'm closing this because I've switched to a new difficulty algorithm which makes all the above irrelevant.