seregazhuk / php-pinterest-bot

This PHP library will help you to work with your Pinterest account without using any API account credentials.
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Get all invated user's my board #403

Closed ug-code closed 6 years ago

ug-code commented 6 years ago


I use this method

$bot->boards->sendInvite($boardId, $userId);

How can I see who I have already invited to board ?

maybe the code should be like this:

if($bot->boards->isInvited($boardId, $userId)){
    $bot->boards->sendInvite($boardId, $userId)

$bot->boards->getInvited($boardId, $userId)
seregazhuk commented 6 years ago

Hi! Pinterest returns the following response:

2018-07-27 21 30 07

I can add something like

$invites = $bot->boards->getInvites($boardId);

and then the calling code can take what it needs from this response. What do you think about this?

ug-code commented 6 years ago

yes, this is what I want. Thank you :blush:

seregazhuk commented 6 years ago

Use this method:


I think it is what you need.

ug-code commented 6 years ago

this is different code => $bot->boards->invites()

I invite people to join my board

I use this method

$bot->boards->sendInvite($boardId, $userId);

If $userId already exists in the board ,it should not send invite :(

you should add something like $invites = $bot->boards->getInvites($boardId); //:P


Request URL:
source_url: /example-username/Example-boardname/
data: {"options":{"bookmarks":["b28zMDB8MmViNWViMjg0NjIwYTUxNWMzNTQwYmNlMjFmMDFiNjhmZGVhYWE0NTU1MDhlNmFkZjBkOWY4MTYwNjhlZWIzYw=="],"board_id":"313422524006965473","field_set_key":"boardEdit","status_filters":"new,accepted,contact_request_not_approved","sort":"viewer_first","include_inactive":true},"context":{}}
_: 1533053377052

pinterest response below picture image

seregazhuk commented 6 years ago

@ug-code oh I see. Update to version v5.8.1 and use this code:

foreach($bot->boards->invitesFor($boardId) as $invite) {
    // loop through invites

I've updated the docs.

Hope it works 😉

ug-code commented 6 years ago

it works fine. :+1: Thank you @seregazhuk