Closed ashishlal closed 3 years ago
you need to install tensorflow-gpu first and deepface second. the trick here is that you should install deepface with no dependencies. otherwise, it will install regular tensorflow instead of tensorflow-gpu.
pip install deepface --no-deps
btw, 6 seconds is too long even in cpu. how do you call verify function? Do you pass pre-trained model to verify function? This will speed you up.
model ="VGG-Face")
for i in range(0, 100):
DeepFace.verify(img1, img2, model_name = "VGG-Face", model = model)
It takes close to 6 seconds on google colab pro and also on my local GPU. I am using a pretrained model with weights downloaded. This is how I am installing deepface.
!pip install tensorflow-gpu
!pip install gdown --no-deps
!pip install mtcnn --no-deps
!pip install retinaface --no-deps
!pip install utilpack --no-deps
!pip install slack_sdk --no-deps
!pip install pdfrw --no-deps
!pip install pycryptodome --no-deps
!pip install pymysql --no-deps
!pip install deepface --no-deps
img_path1 = '/content/fr/pics_db/a1.png'
img_path2 = '/content/fr/pics_db/a2.png'
img_path3 = '/content/fr/a3.jpg'
model = DeepFace.build_model(model_name='VGG-Face')
resp = DeepFace.verify(img1_path = img_path1, img2_path = img_path3, model=model)
CPU times: user 8.83 s, sys: 190 ms, total: 9.02 s
Wall time: 7.62 s
everything seems oke. could you try facenet or arcface? they might be faster.
ArcFace takes around 4.5 seconds
I have also the same problem, I have an ubuntu 16 24 core cpu and I built tensorflow for it. It takes about 4 seconds to verify faces with Facenet and dlib. Is there a way to boost the performance?
I'm getting the same problem with processing times, with ArcFace and mtcnn getting around 5seconds per execution.
Try passing images as an array to to verify function
resp = DeepFace.verify(["img1.jpg", "img2.jpg", ...], model=model)
I personally use a preloaded image as a numpy array (cv Mat imdecode) instead of image paths.
@alvarobasi so store them in a python list, this will speed you up. Because each call of verify function builds mtcnn model in the background.
resp = DeepFace.verify([
[img1, img2],
[img1, img3],
[img2, img3]
, model=model)
here img1, img2, img3 are numpy arrays
Im still getting 6s of processing times by passing a python list... As far as I understood, commons.functions.initialize_detector(detector_backend = 'mtcnn') initializes the mtcnn detector. Doesn't this apply to verify function?
results = DeepFace.verify([[selfie_img_np, id_img_np]], model_name= 'ArcFace', model= loaded_model, distance_metric='cosine')
It initializes for a single call of verify function. It seems that the fastest usage lasts 6 seconds in your env.
BTW, I can run 1 seconds it in my macbook.
I don't get it... I am using a V100 GPU instance for running this and I'm getting the same performance as with CPU only. Which resolution are you using for your images?
Here, you can find my testing images:
Even with these shapes (shape: (65, 105, 3) shape: (170, 130, 3)) I'm getting 2.5-3.5 seconds of processing... I confirmed I am using the GPU as I forced the GPU memory to be full and the program triggered a CUDA OOM error.
I just published deepface 0.0.60. Many production-driven performance issues are handled in this release. Please update the package and re-try.
I have installed tensorflow-gpu instead of tensortflow after doing pip install deepface. How can I run deepface on a gpu? or be sure that deepface is running on a GPU? DeepFace.verify with 'VGG-Face' takes close to 6 seconds. I would like to reduce this by using a GPU.