serenity-bdd / serenity-core

Serenity BDD is a test automation library designed to make writing automated acceptance tests easier, and more fun.
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can serenity.conf handle android and iOS capabilities in runTime through platformName? #3155

Open AayushGLO opened 1 year ago

AayushGLO commented 1 year ago

We need to run the same script either on iOS or on Android. Right now, we're using serenity.conf to run it locally and whenever we want to run it on Android, we comment out the iOS capabilities and whenever we want to run it on iOS, we comment out the Android capabilities.

Do we have any feature to configure Webdriver in appium similar to that we can use and handle both the OS using same serenity.conf

Below is the serenity.conf that I'm using

====================================== serenity { = POC Serenity, requirements.dir = src/test/resources/features, requirement.types = Domains; Feature, console.colors = true, = true, take.screenshots = AFTER_EACH_STEP },

webdriver { driver = appium, timeouts.implicitlywait = 30000 },

appium { appWaitDuration = 40000, fullReset = true, noReset = false, dontStopAppOnReset = true, autoAcceptAlerts = true, autoGrantPermissions = true, simulatorStartupTimeout = 180000, platformName = IOS },

appium { automationName = uiautomator2, platformVersion = 12, app = ${user.dir}/apps/sample.apk, deviceName = Samsung Galaxy, udid = vnjiernbvierbngiern },

step.creation.strategy = legacy


AayushGLO commented 1 year ago

Serenity-Bdd team, is there any update on this?

wakaleo commented 1 year ago

Appium integration is largely community driven, so as with most open source projects. the fastest way to get a new feature implemented is to raise a PR. If you are not in a position to do this, and the feature is valuable for your organisation, then the best option is to get one of the commercial support packages.