It would be very helpful in analysis of failed test cases to have grouping by assertion feature in Serenity reports.
This functionality is provided by Allure Report and I've been using them extensively in my previous projects.
In Allure it's highly customizable and the "Categories" applet is always present in reports.
As they say:
Categories is one of the most time-saving features of Allure Report. It provides simple automation for fail resolution.
Apart from the default "product defects" (failed tests) and "test defects" (broken tests) a user can create own categories defined with
messageRegex (e.g. ".element not clickable."), matchedStatuses (e.g. ["broken", "failed"]), traceRegex (e.g. ".FileNotFoundException.")
Having such a feature you can quickly spot massive problems that are present in mulitple failed cases - not like currently in Serenity reports where you have to look at each failed case individually, expand it to the failed step to see the assertion message.
It would be very helpful in analysis of failed test cases to have grouping by assertion feature in Serenity reports. This functionality is provided by Allure Report and I've been using them extensively in my previous projects. In Allure it's highly customizable and the "Categories" applet is always present in reports. As they say:
Apart from the default "product defects" (failed tests) and "test defects" (broken tests) a user can create own categories defined with messageRegex (e.g. ".element not clickable."), matchedStatuses (e.g. ["broken", "failed"]), traceRegex (e.g. ".FileNotFoundException.") Having such a feature you can quickly spot massive problems that are present in mulitple failed cases - not like currently in Serenity reports where you have to look at each failed case individually, expand it to the failed step to see the assertion message.