serenity-bdd / serenity-cucumber

Cucumber integration for the Serenity BDD Reporting library
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Serenity report showing Page not found for Releases tab #172

Closed rohitpatwari84 closed 5 years ago

rohitpatwari84 commented 5 years ago

I see Releases Tab in Report . But it seems no html related to it is present .

Details -

1.9.26 1.9.26 1.9.8 @version:Release2 @version:Sprint2 Feature: Login Functionality @Smoke Scenario: User is able to login successfully using valid credentials Given User is on the login Page When User submits valid credentials Then USer is logged in successfully
wakaleo commented 5 years ago

Release reporting is no longer supported - where are you seeing the tab?

rohitpatwari84 commented 5 years ago

I am seeing on the Report after I run serenity aggregate(index.html in target/site/serenity/index,html)

rohitpatwari84 commented 5 years ago

And is there any any other way to specify Release in our Report ?

wakaleo commented 5 years ago

Just use normal tags.

rohitpatwari84 commented 5 years ago

Sorry didnt get you..Like @version doesnt work as you mentioned.Then how to specify Release through Tags ?

wakaleo commented 5 years ago

We have dropped explicit support of releases as a separate page for now, but you can still use the normal tag pages to view results per version.

rohitpatwari84 commented 5 years ago

Ok Thanks @wakaleo . For Now I am just using @Release to show it in Report . There is one more issue with Report that expand buttons dont work the way I expected . Like in the screen shot the Login Epic shows nothing when expanded.(Expand doesnt work anywhere in general) expand button inside epics

wakaleo commented 5 years ago

The expand button shows the full description of the epic - if you don't have any text in the description, nothing will appear.

rohitpatwari84 commented 5 years ago

Oh ok..I thought it will show features as a children nodes. Thanks @wakaleo