serenity-bdd / serenity-cucumber

Cucumber integration for the Serenity BDD Reporting library
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<Question> Is there a way to get all the Tags of scenario during run time in stepdefinition?? #199

Closed srinivasbudh closed 5 years ago

srinivasbudh commented 5 years ago

I have a scenario where I want to manage some test data based on the scenariotags, but during runtime I'm unable to scenario tags, Is it possible to fetch tags while running @Step methods?? if yes, can anyone help with it??

Thanks in advance

wakaleo commented 5 years ago

You might be able to access the tags via the StepEventBus, though I don’t have the code in front of me.

wakaleo commented 5 years ago


srinivasbudh commented 5 years ago

Thanks for the quick response, will check and confirm shortly

srinivasbudh commented 5 years ago

Thanks a Lot @wakaleo Solution you provided works great


returns set of TestTag's. upon iterating through the set and using getName() methods I'm able to get the exact Tag that I'm looking for.

Thanks a lot for you help