serenity-bdd / serenity-cucumber

Cucumber integration for the Serenity BDD Reporting library
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Serenity summary report not generated with custom reporting fields added in #228

Open cvarshn-cloud opened 4 years ago

cvarshn-cloud commented 4 years ago

report.customfields.ApplicationVersion=5.6 report.customfields.Environment=Integration report.customfields.OperationSystem="Windows 7" report.customfields.ReportType="High-Level" report.tagtypes=capability,feature,tag


testifyqa commented 4 years ago

I have also experienced this. setting serenity.outputDirectory to a custom folder is only applied for ./gradlew aggregate but is not applied when doing ./gradlew reports (which still makes summary report in default directory of target/site/serenity)

cvarshn-cloud commented 4 years ago

@wakaleo Can you please look into this?

wakaleo commented 4 years ago

It’s in the backlog; feel free to dig into the code or raise a request for commercial support if you need a fix more quickly.