serenity-bdd / serenity-cucumber

Cucumber integration for the Serenity BDD Reporting library
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NullPointer Exception when use the Driver instance #242

Open Chankami opened 4 years ago

Chankami commented 4 years ago

I'm using serenity cucumber starter pack. Whenever I use WebDriver instance it throws a null pointer. My requirement is to pass the driver to a third-party lib. When print current URL also it throws the NullPointer.

public class ScreenShots extends PageObject {
    WebDriver driver;
public void capturefullPageScreenshotry() 

Also, when tried to use driver. get() instead of open() it thorws a null pointer @Step("Navigates to Homepage") public void navigateHomePage() { driver.get(""); //open(); commons.waitForPageLoad(); } Can you pls help me to sort this .

wakaleo commented 4 years ago

That's not how Serenity works. You don't use the @Managed annotation with Cucumber, and you don't place a driver field in a Page Object class. Have a look at

Chankami commented 4 years ago

Thanks alot