serenity-bdd / serenity-cucumber

Cucumber integration for the Serenity BDD Reporting library
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Problems with tags when mixing cucumber and serenity tests #83

Closed jeromevdl closed 6 years ago

jeromevdl commented 7 years ago


I have different tests in my project. Some use the CucumberWithSerenity runner, some others (typically some smoke tests) simply use the SerenityRunner.

When I want to execute a subset of the cucumber tests + the smoke tests, I use the tags as follow:

mvn clean verify -Dcucumber.options="--tags @f17.05" -Dtags="smoke-test"

The trouble is that I have the following error:

None of the features at [src/test/resources/features] matched the filters: [@f17.05, @smoke-test]

Although the feature files contain the tag @f17.05. As if cucumber was searching for a test which is tagged both by f17.05 and smoke-test, as if serenity called cucumber with the --tags @f17.05 --tags @smoke-test instead of --tags @f17.05,@smoke-test (AND instead of OR : Moreover, I did not ask cucumber to handle the tag smoke-test, it was a serenity tag...

Any idea of how I can achieve this ? Do I need to move all my tags from feature files to java (@WithTag) ? If this is not a bug, it is quite unlogical the way it handle the different tags...


wakaleo commented 7 years ago

This is a known issue that will be fixed in the next release.