serenity-bdd / serenity-cucumber

Cucumber integration for the Serenity BDD Reporting library
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Cucumber tests scenarios with Example Table #88

Closed anbajaj closed 6 years ago

anbajaj commented 7 years ago

Dear Team,

We are using serenity (1.4.0) with cucumber (1.36.0) & facing an issue when our feature file contains Scenario Outline with Example Table.

The serenity report (index.html) is showing only 1 scenario as failed (100% failed) however there are 8 set of data in Example Table & out of which only 1 row failed.

Also when we click on the scenario name, the detailed view is not showing all the Given, When & Then statements in a tabular format (The way it shows for JBehave). Do we have something similar in Cucumber as well?


Would appreciate if you could provide any update on this.


anbajaj commented 7 years ago


Could you please help with the above query? Right now we are using "CucumberWithSerenity" runner, is there anything else that can be used?


wakaleo commented 7 years ago

Scenario outlines in Cucumber work fine in Serenity; could you post your feature file?

wakaleo commented 7 years ago

In the summary report, a scenario is considered as failing if any of the examples in the example table fail.

anbajaj commented 7 years ago

@wakaleo : Please find the feature file as below:

@eligibility Feature: Eligibility

Scenario Outline: Eligibility for a given buyer & a lot number Given Eligibility buyer status as '<buyerStatus>' And Eligibility buyer number as '<buyerNumber>' And Eligibility lot type as '<lotType>' And Eligibility lot number as '<lotNumber>' When a request is sent to Eligibility service for a buyer and lot number Then Eligibility service response is received And Eligibility buyer details are verified And Eligibility lot details are verified

Examples: | buyerStatus | buyerNumber | lotType | lotNumber | | Active | 1 | NCS | 13972916 | | Active | 100001 | Normal | |

wakaleo commented 7 years ago

That looks fine; there may be a problem with your step definitions.

anbajaj commented 7 years ago

@wakaleo Could you please share a sample serenity-cucumber project with Example Table?

I tried checking step definitions file, it appears correct to me.

wakaleo commented 7 years ago

You can find some examples in this project:

wakaleo commented 6 years ago

Working correctly as intended in the latest version.