First of all thanks for your effort to create serenity-cucumber4. Its very helpful for me. I appreciate it.
I have two questions:
I want to print a message/log on serenity report, how to do it? I know slf4j logs messages on the console as explained here: but I need to print it on the html report. Let me know if there is a way to do it.
Is there a way to print AssertJ success or failure reasons.
For ex: assertThat(frodo.getAge()).as("check %s's age", frodo.getName()) .isEqualTo(100);
Here I want to write if my check is successful, on failure, it report should contain information as to why it failed.
<Please pardon me as I'm not raising any issue here, rather I'm looking for a solution.>
I have the same question where can I find or how can I set up Serenity html report in the circleci, is this ci supports html reports? I can't find info :(
First of all thanks for your effort to create serenity-cucumber4. Its very helpful for me. I appreciate it. I have two questions:
<Please pardon me as I'm not raising any issue here, rather I'm looking for a solution.>