serenity-bdd / serenity-jira

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Migrate Jira plugin #110

Open ricardorlg-aval opened 3 years ago

ricardorlg-aval commented 3 years ago

I will start to migrate this plugin because the current codebase is too old and difficult to maintain, my idea is to make a new plugin in Kotlin that uses the last Jira API, for that, I will need ur help @wakaleo in order to know which features the plugin should have.

Initially, I will start with the 2-way connection to allow linking and update comments and Jira issues, let me know any additional feature I should consider.

wakaleo commented 3 years ago

This is a great idea. The two-way connection would be a good start - there is also a workflow DSL for more advanced integrations but that could come later.