serenity-bdd / serenity-jira

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Jira test coverage not working #66

Open ghost opened 7 years ago

ghost commented 7 years ago

If I put an issue tag into the feature file, the test coverage for that issue in the serenity report is showing as 0%.



cucumberVersion=1.2.4 junitVersion=4.12 seleniumJava=2.53.0 serenityVersion=1.2.3-rc.5 serenityJiraVersion=1.1.3-rc.2 serenityCucumberVersion=1.1.14

ghost commented 7 years ago

Would this be related to ?

wakaleo commented 7 years ago

Quite possibly.

robin-weller commented 6 years ago

I am getting this issue currently...

junit.version: 4.12 selenium.version: 3.8.1 serenity.version: 1.8.6 serenity-jira-plugin.version: 1.2.0 serenity-maven-plugin.version: 1.8.4 serenity-jira-requirements-provider: 1.8.0

Using the integration to update tickets in Jira, but not getting the coverage stats?