sergant210 / myCalendar

MODX Extra based on javascript plugin fullCalendar
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Combinating myCalendar + my custom-tv-type (of fullcalendar) #4

Open JensWolff opened 9 years ago

JensWolff commented 9 years ago

Hey sergant210, on the last MODX CCC-Event in cologne I've done some cool work on integrating fullcalendar as an custom-tv-type to the manager.

Now I've seen your extra, which is absolutely amazing!! :)

Perhaps we could bring our developments together, so that the users can (also) manage their calenders in the MODX Manager - and your extra outputs a read-only fullcalendar filled with the events of the tv in the frontend.

By the way: your details-page for editing events is absolutely awesome!! That would be great to also integrate into my tv-type, if we combine our two projects. We can just integrate my TV-Type to your Extra "myCalendar" as a new feature, if you want! :+1:

Here is a small demo of my tv:

Greetings from germany Jens

sergant210 commented 9 years ago

Hi, Jens! Thank you for the high opinion of my work and for your offer. I think it will be interesting. I liked your work. But I hate the modx manager :)) It's too heavy and slow. I prefer work with the front-end. You can try to integrate myCalendar into your Extra. If you need my help let me know. Actially, I got more powerfull version with user notification, event repeat, private events. But it's not for free. :) Greetings from Moscow.

JensWolff commented 9 years ago

NICE! :+1: :) Thanks for your nice words and the interest of getting the two features together - and btw: very nice premium-vesion! :+1:

I don't like the extjs in the Manager, but I found a way to inject any jQuery/JS-Code & HTML as Custom-TV-Types into it.. So life becomes much easier to develop new tv-types ;-)

To get the two together: is there a possibility, that you could add two things to your code?

1) New parameter &readonly (which is false by default and which prints out a not editable calendar) 2) New parameter &tv (which takes a tv-name and gets the content of this tv of the actual document -

After that, everything should working, because my TV outputs the same JSON that fullcalendar needs to populate a new calendar.

My work would then be to integrate your awesome editing-window to my version of fullcalender as tv, so we get the same look in front- and backend.

I think, that would be AWESOME for both of us - and would fit for much of the usecases. ;-)

Greetings Jens

sergant210 commented 9 years ago

1) New parameter &readonly (which is false by default and which prints out a not editable calendar)

This parameter already exists and it's set to false by default. So I need to add only one parameter (&tv)?

JensWolff commented 9 years ago


Yes, I think, that should be all we have to do to get it run at the moment. Perhaps it is possible to add one ore more tvs to that parameter - or isn't it possible to load more than one JSON into the Fullcalender (I don't know...)

&tv=testTV -> only load the content of the TV "testTV" of the current document

&tv=testTV,testTV2 -> loads and combines the content of the TV "testTV" and "testTV2" of the current document shown combined in one calendar

For the beginning its enough to only load one tv! :) But if it's not to complicated you can add "multiple tvs -> one calendar"-functionality too, if you want! :+1:

sergant210 commented 9 years ago

Sorry for late answer. I'm short of time, too much work. If you want you can make a pullrequest and send it to me. It would be faster and better for me :)

crecorn commented 9 years ago

WOW! You guys are like Peanut Butter & Chocolate running into each other. Two great things coming together to make one awesome calendar. Nice work!