serge-web / serge

Serious Gaming, Evolved - web interface
Apache License 2.0
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(Optional) in-browser database #2

Open IanMayo opened 4 years ago

IanMayo commented 4 years ago

User stories

As a maintainer I wish to be able to use an in-browser database so that I can run e2e tests without network fragility

As a potential user I wish to be able to use an in-browser database so that I can investigate Serge without need to run any server application.

As a product owner I wish to be able to use an in-browser database so that I can provide a demo instance of Serge via static hosting (such as GitHub pages)

As a developer I wish to be able to use an in-browser database so that I can be develop using a simpler infrastructure


In it's earliest technical demonstrator versions, Serge used an in-browser database. But, we moved it into Node to allow multi-user access.

The node-based implementation is certainly going to continue to be our main storage in the future, but there are scenarios (above) where it would be useful to have a browser-based instance.

It's probably sufficient for the selection of local or remote database to happen at compile time (expressed in code). I guess we would have twin index_remote.jsx and index_local.jsx files.


foxleigh81 commented 4 years ago

There will probably be a more elegant solution rather than two entry points to the app. This feels like something we should be able to achieve with mocking/stubbing data.

IanMayo commented 4 years ago

Here's a reference for hosting an application purely in the browser: