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We need to fix some remaining Issues on collab channel #2947

Open Tristina1788 opened 2 months ago

Tristina1788 commented 2 months ago

🐞 Bug description

We need to fix some remaining Issues on collab channel

πŸ”’ Steps to Reproduce

  1. Create a basic game with some force and some channels
  2. Login from admin page
  3. Click on dropdown of button 'Add Channel'
  4. Select 'Collab Edit' to create first collab channel
  5. Create permission for this channel


  1. Notice we have some issue below in wargame play


Expected : Text 'Chat' and 'Response' should be bold and white color as 'Feedback' text. And when message doesn't have response, we should not show that part.








=> What is the correct one?

lilitkarapetyan commented 1 month ago

🐞 Bug description

We need to fix some remaining Issues on collab channel

πŸ”’ Steps to Reproduce

1. Create a basic game with some force and some channels

2. Login from admin page

3. Click on dropdown of button 'Add Channel'

4. Select 'Collab Edit' to create first collab channel

5. Create permission for this channel


6. Notice we have some issue below in wargame play

* Text 'Chat' and 'Response' are hard to see. And When message still haven't had response yet, it shows as the white long button. It makes user don't know what it is


Expected : Text 'Chat' and 'Response' should be bold and white color as 'Feedback' text. And when message doesn't have response, we should not show that part.

* With this permission, Message with status 'InProgress' (Edit), user role 'CanSubmitForReview'should has button 'Submit for review', 'Save'



* Message with status 'InProgress' (Edit), user role 'CanApproved' should has button 'Save', 'Submit for review'


* Message with status 'InProgress' (Edit), user role 'CanRelease' should has button 'Save', 'Submit for review', 'Release'


* Message with status 'InProgress' (Edit), user role 'CanUnClaim' should has button 'Save', 'Submit for review', 'Release','Unclaim


Hi, I checked it. I thinks when the user clicks the Calm button and starts (In progress), they can do the actions mentioed.

lilitkarapetyan commented 1 month ago

🐞 Bug description

We need to fix some remaining Issues on collab channel

πŸ”’ Steps to Reproduce

1. Create a basic game with some force and some channels

2. Login from admin page

3. Click on dropdown of button 'Add Channel'

4. Select 'Collab Edit' to create first collab channel

5. Create permission for this channel


6. Notice we have some issue below in wargame play

* Text 'Chat' and 'Response' are hard to see. And When message still haven't had response yet, it shows as the white long button. It makes user don't know what it is

image Expected : Text 'Chat' and 'Response' should be bold and white color as 'Feedback' text. And when message doesn't have response, we should not show that part.

* With this permission, Message with status 'InProgress' (Edit), user role 'CanSubmitForReview'should has button 'Submit for review', 'Save'

image image

* Message with status 'InProgress' (Edit), user role 'CanApproved' should has button 'Save', 'Submit for review'


* Message with status 'InProgress' (Edit), user role 'CanRelease' should has button 'Save', 'Submit for review', 'Release'


* Message with status 'InProgress' (Edit), user role 'CanUnClaim' should has button 'Save', 'Submit for review', 'Release','Unclaim


Hi @Tristina1788 , I checked it. I thinks when the user clicks the Calm button and starts (In progress), they can do the actions mentioed.

Tristina1788 commented 1 month ago

@lilitkarapetyan This is the permission for state 'InProgress' (Edit)


And user Blue - Co1 can have these permission but the new user role / Blue- Co2 (with same config permission) is not




IanMayo commented 1 month ago

Hello @Tristina1788 - isn't the CO 1 role being given extra operations because they currently "own" the document? If one user has claimed a message and are editing, we can't allow another user to do anything to it. Some users can un-claim a message, which then means others can apply operations onto it.

Tristina1788 commented 1 month ago

Hello @Tristina1788 - isn't the CO 1 role being given extra operations because they currently "own" the document? If one user has claimed a message and are editing, we can't allow another user to do anything to it. Some users can un-claim a message, which then means others can apply operations onto it.

Yeah, seem it works this way. I try to use another user with same permission, clam the message and it can shows the expected permissions. I'm checking more.

Tristina1788 commented 1 month ago

Hello @Tristina1788 - isn't the CO 1 role being given extra operations because they currently "own" the document? If one user has claimed a message and are editing, we can't allow another user to do anything to it. Some users can un-claim a message, which then means others can apply operations onto it.

@IanMayo But another status (example : Pending Review) user is not an owner , still have permissions list on chart. So only 'InProgress' need be an owner to have permissions?


IanMayo commented 1 month ago

Well, I "think" this is the logic. If a message has an owner, then only that owner can change it (regardless of the permissions of other roles). But, if it doesn't have an owner, players are given the relevant set of permissions.

IanMayo commented 1 month ago

Hello @Tristina1788 - to ensure you are testing the newest code, you should move to your testing/feedback to this PR please: #2976

lilitkarapetyan commented 1 month ago
  • 'Assign' button is not stable. I have to try click many time to make it work.

After you select the button, you need to clicik it. -

Tristina1788 commented 1 month ago
  • 'Assign' button is not stable. I have to try click many time to make it work.

After you select the button, you need to clicik it. -

@lilitkarapetyan With this way I can assign user well. But I think it's not normal way for user. They often think just select user and don't think about click again on that button to make the assignment can do action. @IanMayo How do you think?

Tristina1788 commented 1 month ago

@lilitkarapetyan The text is hard to see.



IanMayo commented 1 month ago

@lilitkarapetyan With this way I can assign user well. But I think it's not normal way for user. They often think just select user and don't think about click again on that button to make the assignment can do action. @IanMayo How do you think?

Good point @Tristina1788 . Would it be hard to implement it in @Tristina1788 's way, @lilitkarapetyan ?

Tristina1788 commented 1 month ago

IanMayo commented 1 month ago
  • I can't open content message after update channel with option 'Additional data' = true . I try to update it as original ('Additional data' = false) but I still can't open content message.

When @lilitkarapetyan tries to reproduce this I expect she will learn that we need to check if the field is present before trying to render the message.

Tristina1788 commented 1 month ago
  • I can't open content message after update channel with option 'Additional data' = true . I try to update it as original ('Additional data' = false) but I still can't open content message.


We don't have 'location' in the message from UI. I don't know if it can get any where else. But At least, it should can be opened message after I reverted the config for 'Additional data' . Now I don't have anyway to open message and need to revert server/DB file.

lilitkarapetyan commented 1 month ago

@lilitkarapetyan With this way I can assign user well. But I think it's not normal way for user. They often think just select user and don't think about click again on that button to make the assignment can do action. @IanMayo How do you think?

Good point @Tristina1788 . Would it be hard to implement it in @Tristina1788 's way, @lilitkarapetyan ?

I don't think it will be difficult

IanMayo commented 1 month ago

@lilitkarapetyan With this way I can assign user well. But I think it's not normal way for user. They often think just select user and don't think about click again on that button to make the assignment can do action. @IanMayo How do you think?

Good point @Tristina1788 . Would it be hard to implement it in @Tristina1788 's way, @lilitkarapetyan ?

I don't think it will be difficult

Great - let's go for it, please.

Tristina1788 commented 1 month ago

@lilitkarapetyan The text is hard to see. => It's fixed and better. But with me, the text 'Threat' is not good. It's not the same style with another text. @IanMayo How do you think about it?



IanMayo commented 1 month ago

Any remaining issues @Tristina1788 ?

Tristina1788 commented 1 month ago
  • I can't open content message after update channel with option 'Additional data' = true . I try to update it as original ('Additional data' = false) but I still can't open content message.


@IanMayo We still have this issue. Will we fix it on this ticket?


IanMayo commented 1 month ago

Yes please @Tristina1788 - I'd like @lilitkarapetyan to fix it in this issue. Hmm, or are you reporting two issues in that comment?

Tristina1788 commented 1 month ago

Yes please @Tristina1788 - I'd like @lilitkarapetyan to fix it in this issue. Hmm, or are you reporting two issues in that comment?

@IanMayo Yes, theye 're 2 issues:

  1. I can't open content message after update channel with option 'Additional data' = true . I try to update it as original ('Additional data' = false) but I still can't open content message. => This issue also happens when I update config to 'Unallocated' option


  1. Get white screen when click on 'Sort' of Owner column

And I also need your confirm on this. Do you feel this text 'Threat' is ok? With me, it's quite not good because it looks different style with another text on message.


Tristina1788 commented 1 month ago

@lilitkarapetyan @IanMayo Now the text 'Threat' is better on table but it's not good on form 'New message'



IanMayo commented 1 month ago

Yes @Tristina1788 - the Threat title is not clear. I'm sure @lilitkarapetyan can solve it via CSS.

Tristina1788 commented 1 month ago

@lilitkarapetyan Now the text 'Threat' is good on table and on 'New message'



Tristina1788 commented 1 month ago

@lilitkarapetyan @IanMayo Now I can send message after update channel with option 'Additional data' = true or update config to 'Unallocated' option as expected.

And I find one issue with new channel collab. It shows 'Chat' as default of template in Collab channel. But from game play, it doesn't show input text . I have to remove 'Chat' template and re-select it, then it can work as normal. => The default template should be fine to send message


Tristina1788 commented 1 week ago

@IanMayo @lilitkarapetyan


Tristina1788 commented 4 days ago

@lilitkarapetyan @IanMayo Now I can sort column datetime ( ID, Updated) as dateTime as expected.

''Terminology' part, I can't select value of Request Changes / Approve/ Release after removing' => The issue is not fixed.

IanMayo commented 18 hours ago

@lilitkarapetyan @IanMayo Now I can sort column datetime ( ID, Updated) as dateTime as expected.

''Terminology' part, I can't select value of Request Changes / Approve/ Release after removing' => The issue is not fixed.

Here is how I did it @Tristina1788 :

Tristina1788 commented 17 hours ago

@lilitkarapetyan @IanMayo Now I can sort column datetime ( ID, Updated) as dateTime as expected. ''Terminology' part, I can't select value of Request Changes / Approve/ Release after removing' => The issue is not fixed.

Here is how I did it @Tristina1788 :

@IanMayo How user remember which template to input (I think they don't notice the name before delete) . And with that we can can input all name, that's not the exist template from system?

IanMayo commented 15 hours ago

For the terminology, these aren't template names, these are verbs used to record interactions.

Tristina1788 commented 2 hours ago

For the terminology, these aren't template names, these are verbs used to record interactions.

Yes, I understand how it works now. It's not an issue. So we can close ticket.