sergei-grechanik / vim-terminal-images

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Enablign/disabling Goyo plugin breaks terminal images completly until Vim is restarted #3

Open sergei-mironov opened 1 year ago

sergei-mironov commented 1 year ago

To reproduce:

  1. Install Goyo plugin
  2. Navigate to a buffer where images are shown
  3. Enable and then disable Goyo. The yellow frames are now shown. Nothing seems to help other than restarting Vim.


sergei-grechanik commented 1 year ago

I tried it, and it looks like Goyo is messing with highlighting groups. Before running Goyo when I do :hi TerminalImagesID20, I get TerminalImagesID20 xxx ctermfg=20. After switching Goyo on and off, I get TerminalImagesID20 xxx cleared. Maybe there is a bug in Goyo.