sergelogvinov / proxmox-csi-plugin

Proxmox CSI Plugin
Apache License 2.0
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Any reason why backup=0 is hardcoded? #201

Open j0nm1 opened 3 months ago

j0nm1 commented 3 months ago

Hi, first of all, thanks for the great project! I really like the management of the pvcs directly in Proxmox. Currently, I am just wondering if there is any specific reason that backup is explicitly set to 0 in

I am using a PBS to automatically backup my VMs and would enjoy including the pvcs as well. Or is there any technical limitation that I forgot here?

Thanks! Jonas

sergelogvinov commented 3 months ago

My thoughts was:

kowalski7cc commented 2 months ago

Could be this make an option? It can be userful for small setups using proxmox backup, especially when you just want to restore a single file using the file restore option. It's true that there are kube native solutions for making backups of PVCs, but some of them (like K10) rely on PVC snapshots, which are not implemented yet.

sergelogvinov commented 2 months ago

I appreciate curious individuals who enjoy experimenting. Yep, we could add a CLI flag that disabled all checks, for example.

vehagn commented 2 months ago

I think this possibly goes against original intention of this project and perhaps the Noflake Manifesto, but it would be convenient (at least in my case) to bind a volume to a VM by name. E.g. instead of creating the VM disk vm-9999-pvc-<UUID> you create the VM disk vm-100-pvc-<namespace>-<volumeName> bound to VM 100 and turn on backup. If a disk with the name exists you bind to it, and if not you create it. I'm not sure if this is feasible though and I don't think it should be the default behaviour.

Looking at @sergelogvinov's terraform-talos proxmox example here, it might be possible to create a volume manually in Proxmox and bind to i using the pv spec.csi.volumeHandle attribute? This is all just speculation on my part though.

sergelogvinov commented 2 weeks ago

to switch off the BACKUP=0 param - use UNSAFEMOUNT="true" environment. I do not want to documented it, i believe the better way to fix it is using VolumeAttributesClass resource (not implemented yet)