sergev / bash-commander

Version of the GNU Bourne Again shell extended with two-panel file manager.
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Feature request: progress indicator for file transfers ( dialog gauge box) #3

Open PhilT001 opened 4 years ago

PhilT001 commented 4 years ago

I use bash-commander on all my devices and I thinks it's awesome. When used with sshfs, it is a truly powerful and essential tool. One thing I would love to have though, is a progress gauge for when it is copying or transfering large files. Can this be added? If not, could you suggest how I could add it myself?

sergev commented 4 years ago

Thank you for positive feedback.

You can add a progress gauge yourself: take a look at /usr/local/etc/bash_commander script. It contains definitions of functions, invoked when F1-F10 keys are pressed. On F5, function commander_f5() is invoked. It calls dialog for confirmation and then runs vanilla "cp" for actual file copying.

All you need is to replace "cp" with some combination of data copying (like rsync) and "dialog --gauge".