sergeycherepanov / homebrew-docker-virtualbox

Docker workaround for Ryzentosh (AMD based Hackintosh)
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An unsolicited brew update broke my docker setup #20

Closed brorbw closed 3 years ago

brorbw commented 3 years ago

After a brew update broke my current setup I tried reinstalling but I'm currently stuck. I've looked through the docker-machine-init script but i cant seem to find the error.

~$docker-machine-init initialize
Error: No available formula with the name "docker-machine-nfs-generic"
sergeycherepanov commented 3 years ago

Hi @brorbw the docker-machine-nfs-generic is one of my formulas related to patched docker-machine-nfs.

You should see it in the search image

brorbw commented 3 years ago

I see. After I reinstalled it still prompts the same error

sergeycherepanov commented 3 years ago

@brorbw Try to verify does homebrew recognize the formula properly by the following command:

brew tap-info sergeycherepanov/docker-virtualbox  --json | jq -r '.[]|(.formula_names[])'

you may need to install the jq first

if the docker-machine-nfs-generic is not in the list try to untap and tap again:

brew untap sergeycherepanov/docker-virtualbox
brew tap sergeycherepanov/docker-virtualbox
brorbw commented 3 years ago

Thank you - I'll try that

brorbw commented 3 years ago

This issue solved itself - closing