sergeycherepanov / homebrew-docker-virtualbox

Docker workaround for Ryzentosh (AMD based Hackintosh)
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How to completly reinstall? #24

Closed bruno-berchielli closed 2 years ago

bruno-berchielli commented 2 years ago

I have the same problem as this issue

Tried brew reinstall ... and the remove tool by VirtualBox but when I hit docker-machine-init initialize

error getting state for host docker: machine does not exist
error getting state for host docker: machine does not exist
===> Creating docker machine: docker
Docker machine "docker" already exists

And when I try to run docker it enters a loop. Captura de Tela 2021-08-31 às 08 30 49

sergeycherepanov commented 2 years ago

hi @bruno-berchielli

You can destroy the VM via the VirtualBox GUI.

Also you can use the docker-machine cli directly

bruno-berchielli commented 2 years ago

Hello @sergeycherepanov

I was able to solve the problem by running:

brew untap sergeycherepanov/docker-virtualbox
brew uninstall docker docker-machine-nfs docker-cli docker-credential-helper docker-machine-nfs-generic docker-compose docker-machine

And than proceeding to the installation as usual.

Thanks for you help and your effort in this project.

Closing the issue.