sergeyk / selective_search_ijcv_with_python

Simple Python script to compute Selective Search proposals in Matlab.
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how to install it ? #2

Open teknosains opened 10 years ago

teknosains commented 10 years ago

just download or how ?. im trying to use caffe with this module


roseperrone commented 9 years ago

Yeah, cd into caffe/python/caffe and run git clone Caffe will find it, no need to put it on your PYTHONPATH.

zirohut commented 9 years ago

@codetrash @roseperrone Hi, I tried to run git clone but it says : Permission denied (publickey)

Is there another way to install it?


roseperrone commented 9 years ago

@zirohut I can clone it without error. Find out if there's something fishy with your github key setup.

zirohut commented 9 years ago

@roseperrone Thanks. Another question. Do I have run it in matlab to compile the functions or I can just directly use the python module in r-cnn (caffe) ? Thanks a lot.

roseperrone commented 9 years ago

@zirohut I don't recall what I did. Try running it using python. If you're on mac, you might run into these (solved) issues: see my comment in this thread:!topic/caffe-users/-UIxoqA5iJ0. Sorry I'm not that helpful. Post another question when you run into an error.

zirohut commented 9 years ago

@roseperrone Thanks, I understand how it works now.

Linzert commented 9 years ago

@zirohut Do you solve your problems?I have the selective_search_ijcv_with_python files in caffe/python/caffe,and runned the demo.m,but when I run python,I got the error message "OSError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory".What should I do?

zirohut commented 9 years ago


I think that's probably because the path setting in the .py file isn't correct. Just check out the py file and modify the path settings.

Linzert commented 9 years ago

@zirohut Firstly,thanks for your reply.But in the file,there is not any path only "script_dirname=os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(file))",I donnot know how to set the path.Could you please elaborate it?

zirohut commented 9 years ago

@Linzert I'm actually getting two different messages in my email and on this github page. "OSError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory" on this github page, and "ImportError: No module named selective_search_ijcv_with_python" in my email.

If it's the OSError, I checked out the file. In the main function, image_filenames = [ script_dirname + '/000015.jpg', script_dirname + '/cat.jpg' ] * 4 if the error shows no such file or directory, maybe it's because the dirname for image is not correct?

If it's the import error, you probably want to check the system path settings.

Linzert commented 9 years ago

@zirohut Acturally it's the OSError.In the main function the image_filenames is correct and they are default in the selective_search_ijcv_with_python file.I think the error may be in other places but not the image_filenames.

sunshineatnoon commented 9 years ago

@zirohut Do you need MATLAB to run this code?

zirohut commented 9 years ago


I ran demo.m in MATLAB. But I think python would work too.

CLTFOREVER commented 8 years ago

@Linzert mc = "/usr/local/matlab/bin/matlab -nojvm -r \"try; {}; catch; exit; end; exit\"".format(command) you should set the MATLAB path as your own path ,on my computer ,my MATLAB path is /usr/local/matlab/bin/matlab

arushk1 commented 8 years ago

do :

cd /usr/local/bin/ sudo ln -s /usr/local/MATLAB/R2013a/bin/matlab matlab

alviur commented 8 years ago

@CLTFOREVER Thanks! that worked for me!

Lvhhhh commented 7 years ago

@CLTFOREVER my MATLAB path is "D:\matlab\bin".but i change mc="D:\matlab\bin\matlab" it dos not work." Mat file appears to be empty"

UpCoder commented 7 years ago

Hi, May i ask a question? Is the selective region dependency with caffe? I use tensorflow, can I use it? If yes, how to install it? Thanks