sergeyvoronov / MyCity

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Comments and answers #1

Open sergeyvoronov opened 8 years ago

sergeyvoronov commented 8 years ago

//[Comment] Wrong formatting //[Comment] Wrong paddings

I use codestyle from here Is it correct?

//[Comment] Wrong toolbar and status bar color Read in vk group that we have to use Corrected it.

//[Comment] Wrong "In worj label

It was regex rule. No regex no wrong word label

//[Comment] Magic number

took value from resource.

private final ArrayList mViews = new ArrayList<>(); //[Comment] Use abstraction instead of realization

Rewrited method but dont understand this comment

//[Comment] Bad idea. Use view.getClass().getSimpleName

I tried to show id of view, if class name is enought. It simplifies the task.

   <!-- [Comment] A lot of hardcode.
    Use dimens for different screens.

All values transfered in dimens.xml. Is it enough?

     Not layouts. Bad practice

deleted all unnecessary layouts. created folders with quantificators values-sw360dp values-sw320dp with dimens.xml containt suitable values for this dimensions.

root1991 commented 8 years ago

private final ArrayList mViews = new ArrayList<>(); Polymorphism private List mViews = new ArrayList<>();

root1991 commented 8 years ago

Google code style