sergitopereira / zscaler_api_talkers

Zscaler python SDK for ZIA, ZPA, ZCC
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help with creating app segment #35

Closed zetan503 closed 1 year ago

zetan503 commented 1 year ago

Need help creating app segments.

I constructed params to add_application_segment as follows

client.add_application_segment( name=data['shortName'], healthReporting="NONE", domainNames=fqdns, segmentGroupId=id, serverGroups=[{"id": serverGroupId}], tcpPortRanges=zscaler_tcp_ports, udpPortRanges=zscaler_udp_ports, description=data['description'], enabled=True, ipAnchored=False, doubleEncrypt=False, bypassType="NEVER", isCnameEnabled=True, cnameConfig='NOFLATTEN')

requests debugging shows the following being posted

send: b'{"name": "TEST", "description": "Test App Description", "enabled": true, "healthReporting": "NONE", "ipAnchored": false, "doubleEncrypt": false, "bypassType": "NEVER", "isCnameEnabled": true, "tcpPortRanges": [{"from": "22", "to": "22"}, {"from": "443", "to": "443"}], "udpPortRanges": [{"from": "13", "to": "13"}], "domainNames": ["", ""], "segmentGroupId": "288257894007177366", "serverGroups": [{"id": "288257894007177332"}], "cnameConfig": "NOFLATTEN"}'

but I get a 400 bad request back

POST /mgmtconfig/v1/admin/customers/mycustomerid/application

where mycustomerid has the correct value

b'{\n "id" : "read.message.failed",\n "reason" : "Failed to read http message, Please check the input/format of the message"\n}' Unexpected HTTP response code: 400 reply: 'HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request\r\n'

What's wrong with my parameters? Thanks

sergitopereira commented 1 year ago


You can always use the built in helper to find out what parameters are required.


Having said that try using the Following:

resp= client.add_application_segment(name='TEST', healthReporting=None, domainNames=["", ""], segmentGroupId= 288257894007177366, serverGroups=[{'id': '288257894007177332'}], tcpPortRanges=["443","443"], udpPortRanges=[13, 13], description='Test App Description'). Please note: print(resp)

Please note

Please let me know if the example provided works and whether you need additional parameters to be added so we can speed up the release.

happy coding!

zetan503 commented 1 year ago

Thanks, the problem was with my udp/tcp port encoding using the from/to syntax. In this example:

tcpPortRanges=["443","443"], udpPortRanges=[13, 13],

Should the port be an int or a string?

How do I express a single port, multiple discrete ports, and a range of ports? 443 22,80,443 1-13

sergitopereira commented 1 year ago


Single ports 80 and 443 [80,80, 443,443] ranges 2 to 52 and 54 to 100 : [2,52, 54,100]

The payload comes from:{customerId}/application-post

To your point, we will update this method to use new parameters added in ZPA endpoint list of dictionaries containing { "from": 0, "to": 0 }

Please let me know if you need further information

zetan503 commented 1 year ago

Resolved, thanks!

sergitopereira commented 1 year ago

@zetan503 new version has been pushed. bshingadia146 added additional options