serhatbolsu / robotframework-appiumlibrary

AppiumLibrary is an appium testing library for RobotFramework
Apache License 2.0
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Importing library 'Appiumlibrary' failed: ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'Appiumlibrary' #340

Open asknattawut opened 2 years ago

asknattawut commented 2 years ago

Hi everyone,

I have been trying to use Appiumlibrary to run automated testing on Android Simulator; However, When I run the code VScode run an error message as below:

Exception has occurred. Suspended due to logged error: Error in file '/Users/nattawutkreangkraileard/Desktop/Mobiletest/tasks.robot' on line 2: Importing library 'Appiumlibrary' failed: ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'Appiumlibrary' Traceback (most recent call last): None PYTHONPATH: /Users/nattawutkreangkraileard/.vscode/extensions/robocorp.robotframework-lsp-0.46.0/src/robotframework_debug_adapter /Users/nattawutkreangkraileard/Desktop/Mobiletest /Users/nattawutkreangkraileard/.vscode/extensions/robocorp.robotframework-lsp-0.46.0/src /Users/nattawutkreangkraileard/.vscode/extensions/robocorp.robotframework-lsp-0.46.0/src/robotframework_ls/vendored /Users/nattawutkreangkraileard/.robocorp/holotree/b1f3c244e_0041a488/lib/ /Users/nattawutkreangkraileard/.robocorp/holotree/b1f3c244e_0041a488/lib/python3.8 /Users/nattawutkreangkraileard/.robocorp/holotree/b1f3c244e_0041a488/lib/python3.8/lib-dynload /Users/nattawutkreangkraileard/.robocorp/holotree/b1f3c244e_0041a488/lib/python3.8/site-packages

This is my code: ` Settings Library Appiumlibrary

Test Cases Open Test Application For Android Open Test Application

Keywords Open Test Application Open Application remote_url=http://localhost:4723/wd/hub ... deviceName=Test Device ... platformVersion=11.0 ... platformName=Android ... appPackage=com.material.components ... appActivity=com.material.components.activity.MainMenu `

Kindly advise How to fix this error.

Great thanks!


saife-elRefaye commented 1 year ago

i also have this issue and cant figure it out i am using VS code and tried pycharm and both not reconizing it

serhatbolsu commented 1 year ago

after library you need 2 space, but I am not sure why it doesn't work

joshuariveramnltech commented 1 year ago

hi @asknattawut,

Is it probably because you used Appiumlibrary instead of AppiumLibrary.